On Sunday having taken Maaike, Dad and Jan to Ikea to satisfy my urge to take Dad to Ikea just once, get maaike a fairytale princess mirror and jazzy kiddy chair and so Jan could buy some bits and bobs like duvets and throws, Maaike was finally allowed to take her scooter out! We walked down the Farm, that is the pub called the farm and had a Lamb sunday roast and 2 pints of Bath Gem. About 5pm we set off for Newbury, dropped dad off and then on to a rendevous with Michelle in Emmer Green. It was great to see michelle, show here the wedding album and take the big lump of cheese she kindly brought over for me.
Nanny was looking pretty good, I thought, considering how bad her condition is. It was good to see them too.
Caversham is looking quite up market nowadays, about 5 or so years ago, I wondered around my childhood patch and it was quite run down, 10 short street certainly was, but now it's all looking very nice. Number 10 short street had a new front door, nice curtains, well kept front garden and freshly painted window framess. I'm glad. On the way out of Reading we drove past the park I used to play in and over Reading bridge, I'd spend so much of my childhood round there and it was quite amazing seeing myself now as a happily married woman. I'm pretty glad to be me now. Last night I lead an ITA and as I read the Charter, I visualised myself driving over Reading bridge, one me in the park, about 7 years old, seeing the other me in the car with Toby driving past, happy and fulfilled.
The intro went really well, 100 % as usual. Great evening. Another nice thing, I won the humsinger last week on Chris Hawkins first thing in the morning on 6music. The CD's arrived yesterday (monday) Best of Gene Vincent, Billy j Kramer, the 90's album, David Bowie, Diva's and one more I've forgotton. We listened to Billy J Kramer on the way home, very nice, 60's rock and pop, good stuff. We listened to David Bowie on the way in this morning, also very good. And now to bed to read some Pepys.