Well after a morning of activity - Tob sorted out the back room, emptied the boxes of books into the bookcase we've just been given by Ellen and Dan. I tidied up the garden, filled up 3 sacks of garden debris from the garden itself and the path round the back. I'm well chuffed, I'd promised the next door neighbour I'd clear out all the weeds and now I have so I feel good. We are going to look into selling him that bit of land as we dont need it/use it, in fact it's just a pain cos it's got to be maintained otherwise it turns into it's own little mini ecosystem.
After a bit of lunch, I've updated my CV to apply perminantley for the job I'm in as a contractor and do a bit of blogging. Tob is playing World of War Craft and killing lots of monsters and taking their booty. I'm contemplating a bath next as I'm all scummy from the garden (yummy).
I had a chat with Kari, she's busy qualifying as a Pilates teacher and finishing her accreditation for her therapist thing. I'm trying to get her to come up and visit but she's too busy having a full on interesting life, not working but working really hard. I'm quite gelous really, all her undertakings are so interesting, like plays, costume making, singing workshops and so on. My life seems pretty mundain in comparison. I suppose moving to the sticks to settle down and have kids does that a bit. I do have some exicting plans but not really - getting pregnant next year, starting a business somehow, becomming a parent. Luckily I like where I'm working but until that's perminent I wont know where I stand either.
Best bit's of this weekend; new boots! victoria sponge cake, made a fab homemade loaf, the french market and gardening all morning in the rain.