This is the Jantine and Mick Christmas special. I Love the pictures they make. Well How was Christmas? Pretty good really. Tob went up to London Thursday night so I had to get either a lift or catch a train. I decided I needed the exercise so would walk to the station and get the train. As I was leaving work bumped into Nick who was just leaving, he lives close to the station so I asked him if he was walking, turns out not but he gave me a lift to the station. Work is really cosy and friendly I feel really liked and among friends there. It's the best place I've ever worked. I took the Friday off work, work was funny - about half were there for the last week and by Thursday we were down to about a quarter, I dare say by Friday there were about 5 people in. I had a bit of a lie in, then very industriously cleaned the entire house. By 5pm I was ready to go into town and pick up 2 parcels from the post office and meet Dad at Ely Station. It was dark of course by then, so I took the front bike light and used it as a torch to find the bike. Unusually the chain had fallen off and I couldn't get it back on for love nor money, swearing merrily at the bike bewildered at why it was being so awkward, it's never like this! Then my mobile went - my first thought was this is Dad at the station, whoops I can't even get the chain on! It was a taxi driver saying he had my Dad and he says you live at Selton way, we have a Felton way, where do you live? I bet Dad was giving him a hard time. Yep, I realised that Dad was coming straight here and if he hadn't have taken my address wrong (and my chain had not fallen off) that I would have cycled into town and Dad would have arrived outside my empty house in the cold. Wow what a bit of luck. So I got the chain on, washed my hands and waited for the Taxi to arrive! Apologised to Dad for him getting my address wrong, apologised to the taxi driver cos Dad would have given him a hard time and made Dad a cup of tea before going into town to get to the post office just in time to pick up the dance mat, memory card and DVD remote for the PS2 from Amazon. Amazon have been great, all but one thing came in time and the one that didn't was an independent seller that sent it quickly but the wrong thing, they refunded us and told us to keep the one they sent by mistake - I'll sell it on Ebay in January.On the Friday evening we ate fish and chips and watched a bit of telly. On Christmas Eve we got up relatively early to get to the Farmers Market, had a good breakfast and me and Dad walked into town so Tob could have his lie in and meet us later. We pottered about, got the Ostrich roast, some Venison Chipolatas, brussels on a branch, swede, parsnips, eggs, then the usual from Waitrose. Tob met us, then we drove back with all the shopping. We watched a couple of episodes of Firefly and I had a bath. Then about 10pm we walked into town for midnight mass at Ely Cathedral. The service didn't start until 11.30pm so we tried to find a pub, all the pubs were rammed full so we wondered about Ely then went back to the Cathedral. Dad read the programme and got all uncomfortable as it was a full high Church of England Nicene creed etc and he wanted to leave. I said, lets just stay for the carols and leave at communion, he almost wanted to leave there and then, I said nothing and sat it out and by the time the service started and we were singing Hark! the herald angels sing, we'd all relaxed. I really enjoyed it and I felt glad I stuck it out and was able to keep my word. Dad had been looking forward to midnight mass in Ely Cathedral, he just felt a little intimidated by the high church, which I had the first couple of midnight masses but now I don't worry, I just enjoy singing the carols, I like the bits when we pray for all the people less fortunate and think about what's really important, like love, family, forgiveness and being able to provide for ourselves and others.We walked home through the fog and cold night, had a nightcap and turned in about 2am.Christmas Day, I did all the prep in the morning after a good breakfast, Ellen and Dan arrived about midday for opening of the presents, tea and mince pies. We opened all the presents, Ellen realised why we said don't by us anything, we've handled it cos they only got back a couple of days before Christmas. The fact that she did buy stuff meant that we had an embarrassing amount of presents to open, both what we'd got on their behalf and what they got us. We will probably end up paying for some of them ourselves :) oh well.Then we played Buzz while the roast was cooking, as predicted I was antisocially good - well popular music trivia seems to be my specialist subject, even my educated guesses were mostly right. We did Joneses Vs Carters, and both the first and second game I think we doubled what they had. I did warn Tob, I listen to alot of radio...The Ostrich roast was a great success, Christmas dinner was delish, I didn't eat as much as I would normally, it's funny how if you have been busy preparing and dishing it, you don't always feel like actually eating. Maybe I just wasn't that hungry, who knows. We saved Christmas Pud to the following day anyway and had Dublin Mudslide ice-cream for pud instead.On Boxing Day, we walked round to Dan and Ellen's had a delish lunch, went for a good walk down to the river and back then played Pictionary and Pass the Pigs. Dad was scarily good at pictionary, apart from anything else everything he drew was more recognisable than our scribbles! we thrashed Dan and Ellen. Ellen did win Pass the Pigs. We then watched the Christmas lecture, this year on food (one tonight too) some bits of Morecambe and Wise repeats (yawn) and something else which can't have been that memorable.Today is our DVD marathon, so far we have done Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (plus extras) and Amelie, Tob is setting up the Dance Dance revolution before the next Christmas lecture followed by Top Gear, Then we can choose between House of Flying Daggers, the Jungle Book, Nightmare before Christmas, The Wicker Man and an episode of Firefly.... who knows what it will be....