The weekend was really nice! including the rain as I spent time planting summer bulbs, lettuce and kale. I might be taking a bit of a gamble considering it might freeze again but hey, it was a good weekend for gardening.Having spent Sunday morning in the garden, I spent the afternoon in the bath, followed by a sleep then watched Planet Earth in the evening - all about caves. I've been to some of the caves in Mexico - not the ones you have to absail into - the ones I visited involved canoes and torches. It was nice to re-visit them though - it was an amazing thing to see, once you get inside they open out like cathedrals.
I had a phone call from Erik from Holland end of last week, He'd heard via via that I was up the duff and wanted to congratulate me. We had a long conversation Sunday evening about this and that while I made shepherds pie, just in time for Planet Earth. It was with him, coincidentally I visited those caves in the Yucatan 10 years ago. Seems like a lifetime ago.
The next couple of weeks are pivotal in the baby's future - it's the 'fuel tank' transfer to the placenta that if that doesn't happen properly it's that that causes most of the 'M' words.
According the the BBC guide, this is what's happening this week:
The fetus makes plenty of movements, and can wave arms and legs, but you won't feel anything for several weeks yet. The outlines of tiny fingers and toes are just visible, though there are no fully-formed nails yet, and the digits are still fused together. The external genitals of the fetus are visible – before now, there has been no clear difference between boys and girls. The fetus can now wee, and the urine is discharged into the amniotic fluid surrounding it.
and the crucial one - this should happen by the end of this week:
The umbilical cord is fully formed around now, and doing its job of taking nourishment to the developing fetus, as well as taking waste products away.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Monday, March 13, 2006
Stereotypes and Medievel Obscenites...
Friday eve, we watched Firefly and all the DVD extras again!
Saturday I went to the sounds expo at Olympia. By the time I got to Earls Court to get the train to Olympia, I found myself on a platform with about 1000 Indian people of all ages and at first thought
'I've been in East Anglia for too long' then
'These people can't possibly be going to a sound engineers expo at Olympia 2 - I wonder what's on at Olympia 1...'
I finally asked a white middle aged couple if they knew what was on, it was an overseas property expo. I started laughing - Of course! The middle aged couple (the other stereo type for overseas property) they couldn't quite get it though. Then when we got on the train, there was a teenage Indian girl who looked at me and we both started laughing at the stereotypical nature of our circumstances. I was stood next to a black guy in a cool hat, I said
'I guess you are going to the sounds expo' he said yes and we chatted the rest of the way to the Expo about our plans and our families etc.
The expo was smaller than I expected and I had expected a wider range of products. I saw some amazing demos and picked up some brochures on studio supplies and talked to a few people. I talked to a guy who runs 3 day sound and recording courses in Islington - crash courses for people who are maybe musicians who want to get the basics, the course was designed to give you all the important bits of info if you need to record and produce something. I liked the sound of that as it would be good for me to get a background knowledge plus we talked about holding courses at the Plugin in Ely - I'm sure periodically we could muster enough people to hold one in Ely.
It was bitterly cold in London, met my Dad at Kings Cross about 4pm and we headed up to Ely. I'd got tickets to see the RSC perform the Canterbury Tales in Littleport Leisure Centre! it was Fab!
After eating a delish curry that Toby cooked we got picked up by Tob's parents and driven to Littleport for 3 and a half hours of Royal Shakespeare Company excellence. Sword fights, sex scenes, poo, rude words, and religious peculiarities - Chaucer in other words. It took a bit to tune into but it was so well done and funny that it was very universal - I think it's a semi-translation into 16th century English so it sounds more like Shakespeare.
Sunday Rowing, Sunday night I did an ostrich roast for the parents which went down well, we watched the best of the Muppets taped from Saturday night which was sadly disappointing in that it didn't actually show anything for more than 10 seconds and so to bed, another week awaits...
Saturday I went to the sounds expo at Olympia. By the time I got to Earls Court to get the train to Olympia, I found myself on a platform with about 1000 Indian people of all ages and at first thought
'I've been in East Anglia for too long' then
'These people can't possibly be going to a sound engineers expo at Olympia 2 - I wonder what's on at Olympia 1...'
I finally asked a white middle aged couple if they knew what was on, it was an overseas property expo. I started laughing - Of course! The middle aged couple (the other stereo type for overseas property) they couldn't quite get it though. Then when we got on the train, there was a teenage Indian girl who looked at me and we both started laughing at the stereotypical nature of our circumstances. I was stood next to a black guy in a cool hat, I said
'I guess you are going to the sounds expo' he said yes and we chatted the rest of the way to the Expo about our plans and our families etc.
The expo was smaller than I expected and I had expected a wider range of products. I saw some amazing demos and picked up some brochures on studio supplies and talked to a few people. I talked to a guy who runs 3 day sound and recording courses in Islington - crash courses for people who are maybe musicians who want to get the basics, the course was designed to give you all the important bits of info if you need to record and produce something. I liked the sound of that as it would be good for me to get a background knowledge plus we talked about holding courses at the Plugin in Ely - I'm sure periodically we could muster enough people to hold one in Ely.
It was bitterly cold in London, met my Dad at Kings Cross about 4pm and we headed up to Ely. I'd got tickets to see the RSC perform the Canterbury Tales in Littleport Leisure Centre! it was Fab!
After eating a delish curry that Toby cooked we got picked up by Tob's parents and driven to Littleport for 3 and a half hours of Royal Shakespeare Company excellence. Sword fights, sex scenes, poo, rude words, and religious peculiarities - Chaucer in other words. It took a bit to tune into but it was so well done and funny that it was very universal - I think it's a semi-translation into 16th century English so it sounds more like Shakespeare.
Sunday Rowing, Sunday night I did an ostrich roast for the parents which went down well, we watched the best of the Muppets taped from Saturday night which was sadly disappointing in that it didn't actually show anything for more than 10 seconds and so to bed, another week awaits...
Monday, March 06, 2006
Super Pram with chrome...
Just came back from Tob's parents who really came to the rescue and cooked a delish meat pie with lots of yummy veg. I've been feeling sick all day and couldn't face food and yet was very hungry. I'm not sure what I'd have done if it was up to me to cook. It went down really well and I felt 1000 times better.
It was actually a very cosy visit and we both remarked on the way home what a nice evening we'd had.
Tob's mum has managed to find a proper old fashioned pram with chrome and dark brown leather look trim. I think it's fab, better than the ankle biters you get. I look forward to us wheelying into town!
Ellen's also found a 3 wheeler with pneumatic tyres that's very light and nippy in a charity shop! so we they have a nippy and a super pram which we will no doubt share plus we will probably get a car seat that clips on to a wheel frame so we will have an complete travel system!
These are some of the things that the bbc website say I will be experiencing:
It was actually a very cosy visit and we both remarked on the way home what a nice evening we'd had.
Tob's mum has managed to find a proper old fashioned pram with chrome and dark brown leather look trim. I think it's fab, better than the ankle biters you get. I look forward to us wheelying into town!
Ellen's also found a 3 wheeler with pneumatic tyres that's very light and nippy in a charity shop! so we they have a nippy and a super pram which we will no doubt share plus we will probably get a car seat that clips on to a wheel frame so we will have an complete travel system!
These are some of the things that the bbc website say I will be experiencing:
- The fetus' heart is beginning to develop, along with the first blood vessels of the circulation system.
- You might find you need to wee more often – even at night. This is one of the effects of pregnancy hormones.
- Are you tearful or irritable with people you're close to? Mood swings can be a pain in pregnancy. It could be hormones, or a touch of anxiety at the idea of all the coming responsibility.
- You may have been feeling sick, and it may be getting a bit worse. Nausea and vomiting are symptoms of early pregnancy – and though it's a real nuisance, it's usually temporary, and harmless.
Well yes, feeling sick but not being sick. I tell you what, at work, I'm usually a bit outspoken but my response to an email last week informing me that one of the guys was too busy to cover customer support was 'Am I bovered?' I even cc'd the department manager! No repercussions so far though. I think they are scared...
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Watercolour flowers
Dave Grohl yum.
Got home from IT course just before 10pm, made rice cakes with butter, a cup of tea and a bit of yoghurt. Put telly on, 10pm -10.30pm Dave Grohl special on Kerrang. Made me very a happy.
Boobies very itchy very strange tingling... back to yoghurt and Dave Grohl, Oh yeah and I have Serenity the film on DVD from Amazon rental Yeeppeeee! Guess what I'm doing Friday night...
Boobies very itchy very strange tingling... back to yoghurt and Dave Grohl, Oh yeah and I have Serenity the film on DVD from Amazon rental Yeeppeeee! Guess what I'm doing Friday night...

6 weeks Pregnant
This is what it says on the bbc personalised calendar for today:
Depressions in the outline of the fetus start to form – they will become the chest and abdominal cavity, ready to develop internal organs. The digestive system starts forming, beginning with the first cells of the stomach and the intestine.
I've found some Fudges Marmite biscuits that are fabulous for munching at work with a pleasing picture of a jar or marmite on the cardboard box. Yum.
I just changed the water bottle on the cooler, I don't think I'll be doing that again for a long while. I'm used to being strong and able to do stuff like that. I going to plead girly stuff next time.
Had a very good girly chat with Sarah who is 12 weeks gone on her second last night, got some good book recommendations as well as lots of good insights into the new world of the P word I'm entering rapidly, hopefully with no turning back.I've discovered that Ovaltine contains Folic acid as well as other good things, it was advertised in one of my mum mags as good for this type of thing and this morning, instead of a good strong coffee, I had ovaltine in my tin mug for the car journey. It was fabulous. I've just realised there might be some sort of connection marketing wise as when you put ovaltine through the spell check, it picks ovulation...
Not as tired today, I definitely have a worse sugar drop from potatoes than from bread, which is wired really, plus potatoes now turn me in to a whoopie cushion.
Depressions in the outline of the fetus start to form – they will become the chest and abdominal cavity, ready to develop internal organs. The digestive system starts forming, beginning with the first cells of the stomach and the intestine.
I've found some Fudges Marmite biscuits that are fabulous for munching at work with a pleasing picture of a jar or marmite on the cardboard box. Yum.
I just changed the water bottle on the cooler, I don't think I'll be doing that again for a long while. I'm used to being strong and able to do stuff like that. I going to plead girly stuff next time.
Had a very good girly chat with Sarah who is 12 weeks gone on her second last night, got some good book recommendations as well as lots of good insights into the new world of the P word I'm entering rapidly, hopefully with no turning back.I've discovered that Ovaltine contains Folic acid as well as other good things, it was advertised in one of my mum mags as good for this type of thing and this morning, instead of a good strong coffee, I had ovaltine in my tin mug for the car journey. It was fabulous. I've just realised there might be some sort of connection marketing wise as when you put ovaltine through the spell check, it picks ovulation...
Not as tired today, I definitely have a worse sugar drop from potatoes than from bread, which is wired really, plus potatoes now turn me in to a whoopie cushion.
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