Yesterday we watched another amazing episode of Doctor Who, they brought K9 back. The best quote (forgive me as this is from memory)Mickey says "Oh my god, this makes me the Robot Dog!"
Spent a very nice Saturday afternoon with Sarah, James and their one year old, Elizabeth, they came round for lunch loaded with baby stuff they can't use which was fab, Tob made lunch and we went for a trip down to Anglesey Abbey and lode Mill. What was also great was we drove cross country, which is nothing unusual but this was not an area we usually go to. The Fens are beautiful and we passed through the beautiful village of Swaffham Prior. I can see us taking family there for a day out in the future.
Elizebeth had a tough time in the Abbey, so much stuff to see and touch and there were 'do not touch' signs everywhere, it was hard enough for me. She was most gracious.
I bought some plants, well £4.50's worth, so not a huge amount which I've now planted in the front garden with the rest of the Sempervivums (House Leeks) and alpines in my little rock garden bit. My god I'm dull.
Well went to see Kreuzdammer in Cambridge. They are members of the Goth Film club, make lovely loud industrial, dark NIN, like music. I can stay awake! I think I might well be getting my energy back for the 2nd trimester! I'm sure the glass of coke helped, it was a bit dissapointing as the venue cocked up the timing and they could only do 2 numbers as the place was only licenced until 11pm.
It was very loud and there was a fair amount of jumping around. I realised it might not be the best place for a pregnant woman and at that volume, I'm glad it will be a few weeks before pumpkin will be hearing stuff through the amniotic fluid. I very much liked it but it did make me think.
The last gig the resembled this was NoMeansNo at the Worlds End in Camden which must have been about 3 years ago. It used to be a weekly occurance. How lives change.
Now, I must get down the garden centre and buy some soil! I have tomatoes to plant.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
New sensations
I'm about 14 weeks now, still feeling sick and have very strong sense of smell. A new sensation happened last night, I keep getting bursts of energy during the night. I kept waking up feeling like I should jump on a trampoline but of course really just wanted to get back to sleep. Aparently it's not uncommon to get 'restless legs' while pregnant. I think I have that too, I've become very fidgity and in keeping with all of Toby's sympathetic pregnancy symptoms, so has he. Bless him.
We finally have some holiday to look forward to; end of may to Holland and end of June to Italy. Looking forward to both.
We finally have some holiday to look forward to; end of may to Holland and end of June to Italy. Looking forward to both.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
nuchal scan video

When we had the nuchal scan done, I asked if I could take a video... 'we don't really' was the half harted response. However, I was allowed to take a photo of Christine lying on the bed. And I thought... well I've got my camera out now, and it doesn't look like a video camera, so if I'm subtle...
Afterwards, when I told Christine, she gasped and said I might have got them into trouble, but hey, we're paying a lot for this scan, so I think I jolly well ought to be allowed to take a video!
Of course, it came out sideways, but after a bit of messing about, I've managed to rotate it the right way round, and extracted a good clear bit.
Here he or she is, doing a headstand and waving those little legs and arms about! Samba!
Just to show everyone I can cook ;)
Friday, April 21, 2006
A college at work told me about Freecycle a few days ago. It's an email list where people offer up stuff they don't need anymore, for free, to anyone who can use it, rather than throwing it away.
It's great! Someone offered a Sony CD Walkman they didn't want, and I asked for it for Christine for while she's in hospital. This tickled the lady, and she walked round to my office with her own little baby, and gave the CD player to me, for free.
There's all sorts of things offered; pots of paint, old cars, wardrobes, bulbs, you name it. And there's lists all over the world. Take a look at the Cambridge area and find your local group!
It's great! Someone offered a Sony CD Walkman they didn't want, and I asked for it for Christine for while she's in hospital. This tickled the lady, and she walked round to my office with her own little baby, and gave the CD player to me, for free.
There's all sorts of things offered; pots of paint, old cars, wardrobes, bulbs, you name it. And there's lists all over the world. Take a look at the Cambridge area and find your local group!
13 week Nuchal scan
As Chrissy said, we had our 13 week Nuchal scan yesterday. I watched the screen in amazement as our little pumpkin flexed his (or her) arms and legs and jiggled around. I didn't mind having to wait for him/her to turn around because we got to watch our little bambino twice :)
The whole point was to measure a small sack of fluid behind the neck, which turned out to be just right, and to check the existance of a nose bone, which we saw :)
It was really a fabulous experience and seeing our pumkin move around really brought it home that this is a little life of it's own. I'm happy, awe struck and proud.

The whole point was to measure a small sack of fluid behind the neck, which turned out to be just right, and to check the existance of a nose bone, which we saw :)
It was really a fabulous experience and seeing our pumkin move around really brought it home that this is a little life of it's own. I'm happy, awe struck and proud.

13 weeks and 2 days - it's kicking!
Well I can't feel any thing just yet but I did experience strange fluttering 'down there' yesterday afternoon. When it dawned on me what it might be it felt like I'd just been told the best secret ever and everything around me faded into the background while I had that moment and smiled.
Last night we went to the Rosie for the Nuchal Scan where they measure the skin on the back of the baby's neck and if it's over a certain size it can indicate possible chromosomal abnormalities linked to things like Downs Syndrome. As I'm over 35 it was recommended we do it so we did!
It was a very posh scan machine and the doctor was much nicer than the one from the Dating Scan a fortnight ago, she even warmed the gel...
The Baby was moving around, doing handstands, arms moving around, legs kicking, he/she twisted and turned, going upside down and round. We could see the heart bouncing up and down, the spine and at one point she pointed out his/her stomach inside so the organs are all forming too. He/she was moving so much she couldn't get the neck skin measurment so I got sent off to get a drink and walk around while she saw the next patient, then we went back in again 20mins later. Pumpkin had indeed settled down a bit and was reclined enough for her to take the statutory number of measurments to enter into the computer to work out the risk of Downs.
According to her findings everything is good, Baby is growing the right amount since the last scan, everything's in the right place and the skin thing was small. For my age, the risk was something like 1 in 300 chance of Downs and with the measurments and data they collected from the scan the risk went down to about 1 in 1900 which was the equivelent of a 15 year old's risk factor. So far so good. I've booked for my blood sample for the final part of the analysis next week.
Tob and I were very happy with the findings and having spent rather longer than expected looking at our offspring wriggling about we were very triumphant. I suggested Mexican food was in order so we went to a reasonable Tex Mex place I'd spotted a while back down on the other side of the river from Darwin College (if anyone knows of any proper Mexican Restaurants in Cambridge, please let me know).
I managed to keep it down, which with evening and morning sickness still happening I was very relieved.
As a certain someone else once said, From nothing we are made.
Last night we went to the Rosie for the Nuchal Scan where they measure the skin on the back of the baby's neck and if it's over a certain size it can indicate possible chromosomal abnormalities linked to things like Downs Syndrome. As I'm over 35 it was recommended we do it so we did!
It was a very posh scan machine and the doctor was much nicer than the one from the Dating Scan a fortnight ago, she even warmed the gel...
The Baby was moving around, doing handstands, arms moving around, legs kicking, he/she twisted and turned, going upside down and round. We could see the heart bouncing up and down, the spine and at one point she pointed out his/her stomach inside so the organs are all forming too. He/she was moving so much she couldn't get the neck skin measurment so I got sent off to get a drink and walk around while she saw the next patient, then we went back in again 20mins later. Pumpkin had indeed settled down a bit and was reclined enough for her to take the statutory number of measurments to enter into the computer to work out the risk of Downs.
According to her findings everything is good, Baby is growing the right amount since the last scan, everything's in the right place and the skin thing was small. For my age, the risk was something like 1 in 300 chance of Downs and with the measurments and data they collected from the scan the risk went down to about 1 in 1900 which was the equivelent of a 15 year old's risk factor. So far so good. I've booked for my blood sample for the final part of the analysis next week.
Tob and I were very happy with the findings and having spent rather longer than expected looking at our offspring wriggling about we were very triumphant. I suggested Mexican food was in order so we went to a reasonable Tex Mex place I'd spotted a while back down on the other side of the river from Darwin College (if anyone knows of any proper Mexican Restaurants in Cambridge, please let me know).
I managed to keep it down, which with evening and morning sickness still happening I was very relieved.
As a certain someone else once said, From nothing we are made.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
11 weeks and 5 days
Well this is now the official dating scan thing. The estimated due date is the 25th of October. Tob and I didn't leave ourselves anywhere near enough time to get across Cambridge not to mention the biggest hospital complex I've ever seen. I was 10 minutes late for my appointment but they were running late so Tob had time to catch me up having parked and we went in together.
Having been jellied the woman pushed the ultrasound so hard into my tummy it felt like I was being elbowed in the stomach. It worked though and she found my little pumkin very quickly. we could see the heart beat flashing. I was very moved to see it there, it was really there! I hadn't made it up and it really was this thing alive inside me, growing like mad.
Tob channelled most of his emotions into complaining about the lack of signage in the hospital and being very protective and wanting everything to be straight forward. Once we'd got across Cambridge, back outside my work he got all happy and emotional, letting it sink in. Our baby pumpkin!
Having been jellied the woman pushed the ultrasound so hard into my tummy it felt like I was being elbowed in the stomach. It worked though and she found my little pumkin very quickly. we could see the heart beat flashing. I was very moved to see it there, it was really there! I hadn't made it up and it really was this thing alive inside me, growing like mad.
Tob channelled most of his emotions into complaining about the lack of signage in the hospital and being very protective and wanting everything to be straight forward. Once we'd got across Cambridge, back outside my work he got all happy and emotional, letting it sink in. Our baby pumpkin!

Friday, April 07, 2006
I won again on 6 music today!
Yep I did it again, this time the Box Set 3rd Series of Nip Tuck for guessing the last 3 lines of a song. It was New Order - Regret.
I've got my first scan next tuesday :) fingers crossed we have hands, toes and heart in the right place.
I've got my first scan next tuesday :) fingers crossed we have hands, toes and heart in the right place.
Try putting your date of birth (no year) into and then post the 3 best events, 2 births and 2 deaths on your blog!
I found it hard to stick to just 2 births and deaths though.
I found it hard to stick to just 2 births and deaths though.
- 1865 - History of slavery in the United States: William Henry Seward proclaims that the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution has been ratified by the legislatures of 27 of the then 36 states.
- 1892 - The first performance of Tchaikovsky's ballet The Nutcracker is held at the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg.
- 1969 - Capital punishment in the United Kingdom: Home Secretary James Callaghan's motion to remove the limit on the Murder (Abolition of Death Penalty) Act, which suspended the death penalty in England, Wales and Scotland for all crimes, except treason, piracy with violence, and certain crimes under the jurisdiction of the armed forces for a period of five years, is carried by both the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
- 1943 - Keith Richards, British guitarist (The Rolling Stones)
- 1946 - Steven Spielberg, American film director 1946 - Steve Biko, South African anti-apartheid activist (d. 1977)
- 1948 - Bill Nelson, British musician (Be Bop Deluxe) 1963 - Brad Pitt, American actor
- 1737 - Antonio Stradivari, Italian violin maker (b. 1644)
- 1787 - Francis William Drake, British Admiral and Governor of Newfoundland (b. 1724)
- 2000 - Kirsty MacColl, British singer and songwriter (b. 1959)
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
11 weeks - not as sick, still knakkered.
This is what's happening right now in my tum;
The fetus actually looks like a small baby human now. Eyes and ears are completely formed, inside and out. Extend your little finger. That's about the size of the fetus at this time. The weight is approximately 10 grams, or about a third of an ounce.
I still don't have my appointment for a scan, I have to ring the hospital tomorrow. My midwife's phone hasn't been working for a day and a half now. I'll try tomorrow...
Chantal in Holland told me that all the scans we have to pay for over here are standard and free in Holland and that pregnant women get an extra 30mins break at work every day too. I'd regret moving back but I wouldn't have met Toby (ahhhhh).
The fetus actually looks like a small baby human now. Eyes and ears are completely formed, inside and out. Extend your little finger. That's about the size of the fetus at this time. The weight is approximately 10 grams, or about a third of an ounce.
I still don't have my appointment for a scan, I have to ring the hospital tomorrow. My midwife's phone hasn't been working for a day and a half now. I'll try tomorrow...
Chantal in Holland told me that all the scans we have to pay for over here are standard and free in Holland and that pregnant women get an extra 30mins break at work every day too. I'd regret moving back but I wouldn't have met Toby (ahhhhh).
Saturday, April 01, 2006
I think this is such a cool album cover. It's by Regina Spektor and it's called Soviet kitsch
, this album will cost me a fiver from amazon along with a load of baby books about pregancy and childbirth I've been recommended to invest in and 2 other CD's from artists I've been admiring lately like Gogol Bordello (Tob really like them too - Gypsy Punks) and the Polysics (The Vapors meets Shonen Knife). It's not often I buy CD's anymore but these ones I am willing to make an exception. La La la!

kikujiro - 3 stars - interesting.....

Serenity - the best Sci Fi film ever ever off the scale
I heart huckabees 4.5 stars out of 5 (even with Jude Law)

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