Wednesday, Mum arrived fresh off the boat. We had a great couple of days, chatting, drinking tea, pottering round Ely and on Friday a girls day out with Ellen to Thetford followed by dinner in the garden round at Ellen and Dan's. Mum drove up to Scotland early Saturday Morning and will be back in a week and a half to stay for the anniversary weekend to be joined for the weekend by John.
Saturday Terri, Sean and their 15 month old, Stevie came round for the day from Newark. We had a lazy lunch, went to the park for some turbo crawling (Stevie isn't walking yet but has a turbo crawl) which took a couple of layers off his knees and top's of his feet. Then we watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory while Tob cooked a delish lamb curry. Yum. They brought us a couple of bags of quality baby clothes, a moses basket, baby harness, car seat and a bouncer (which we turned down as we already have 2). Amazing and very much appreciated.
We laid in bed until nearly midday then after clearing up, my phone went with a text from Sarah, I managed to bugger up getting a Pork roast with Sarah who is an excellent cook by not checking my phone. I'm kicking myself as I was thinking of finding out what she was up to, not to mention talk bumps.
Not wanting to miss an opportunity to talk bumps with someone, I texted Sue who invited us round for a cuppa across the road. I had a good feel of her tots bots that happened to be drying on the radiator and a good natter.
I'm semi watching Tribe, I think I missed the last ever Top of the Pops, there is a special later though. Billybob is kicking and I have acid, probably due to the half chocolate orange I pigged while watching Buffy earlier.
On the baby equipment front, we now have 2 Moses baskets, 2 baby baths, two stands that fit both, a from birth car seat, enough clothes for the first 12 months for twins including cardis galore, booties, hats, socks and mittens, hooded towels, 30 prefolds (I intend not to use as nappies but as washable puke and pee catchers), high chair, 2 front baby carriers/harness thingy, baby phone, microwave steriliser, expressed milk/weaning containers for freezing, blankets and sheets of various shapes and sizes, 2 floor bouncers, a cradle (made by Dad for Maaike), and the only things we've paid for - a second hand push chair and a feeding rocker chair. I'm sure I've missed a couple of things. Having 2 of a few things will be handy for leaving some things at Ellen and Dan's as I'm sure we will go round there alot and to be able to put him in the moses basket there will be dead handy, not to mention bathe him.
Mum was really stuck for what to buy us as a pressie, a changing mat! was all I could come up with. Mind you, we still need to buy reusable nappies which will be about £200 but compared to a couple of years of disposables, this is worth paying for up front.
Dad was going to get me the car seat but we even have that now so I think I will ask for a digi radio for the baby room so I can listen to 6 music documentaries, bbc 7 and radio 4 during the night while feeding BillyBob. So anyone who thinks having a baby is expensive, try being open to what ever your friends have going plus subscribe to freecycle and blessed you shall be.
So far, at 28 weeks gone, my uterus is on the line at 27cm, my blood pressure is 120 over 70 and my boobs are already leaking so apart from a bit of a puffy ankle thing it seems to be going fine. May it continue to be boring and straight forward, we like this very much.
BBob wakes me up very early kicking and pogoing, so I wake up Tob so he can feel the kicking, mostly he just says 'I'm asleep' and goes back to sleep. Pah!