Thursday, August 31, 2006

33 weeks today, 34cm tum

I had an anti-natal today, true to form, my blood test results were normal to very good, my tum is growing well, if on the bigger end of the chart, also good. Everything seems to be pretty normal so far which I'm very happy about.
He moves around alot, wriggling, kicking and tickling me from the inside, giving me wind (my excuse anyway).
I'm pretty big and easily tired.
After my anti natal, a friend, Sarah came round with her 10 week old daughter, leah. She is lovely. I had a good cuddle with her in the rocking chair while Sarah and I talked mum stuff - nappies, baby swimming, sleeping and feeding stuff. All good prep.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

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We had to put on a play, and it turned into a very strange and funny version of little red riding hood
Play "Spot Lee in the woods"
IronBeard and some others take the higher ground
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Trapped LRP

The aftermath of combat
Summoning the spirit of the wind
IronBeard rallies the troops (yep somehow I ended up leading the group ;)
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Grumpy 7 month pregnant fire mage Posted by Picasa
Cool eh? I'm married to a Dwarf! Posted by Picasa

Trapped LRP

Over the weekend we drove up to Derbyshire to play Trapped, an LRP event run by my friend Kes. In a bit of a role reversal for us in terms of characters, Christine was a fire mage and I was a dwarven fighter. Weather was patchy, but rain held off during the day so we were able to run about fighting monsters, summon the elements, solve quests, put on a play, dodge waterbombs(!) and generally enjoy ourselves :)

Belatrix and IronBeard

Some of the players and crew

A very scary monster!
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Saturday, August 19, 2006

Renaissance 2006 ***** 5 stars!

I'm getting this on DVD! We saw this at the Arts Picturehouse. Very arty, a veritible visual treat for the senses. A bit old 2000ad, stark black and white images. Music fab, it's french, uses the best of the new animation techniques from the US without the annoying animals and somehow has the best stylistically of japanese anime. Cool film, must tell Dad to see it. Posted by Picasa

Capote **** 4 stars

A good job, a very good job on the part of the screen play and Phillip Seymour Hoffman was excellent. It's interesting to get into another bit of 20th Century American history. It does cover a subject I know quite a bit about; the death penalty in America. As usual it concentrates on the human being being executed - when you get to know a person, no matter how evil, they are a person. Truman Capote comes to the conclusion they are guilty and deserve to be executed, doesn't stop him crying at the execution and being deeply effected by getting into the world of the killers. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 17, 2006


So... what do you do when you get a kohlrabi in your veg box?
1. Look it up on the internet and find a recipe
2. Grate it and fry with onions, and have with left over saussage, cabbage and mum & dad's potatoes, fresh from the ground - yummy

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I took this about 2 weeks ago, showing the bump, but really I should take another one as it's growing daily! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Well the weekend is drawing to a close. From Friday evening to this evening we had an open house. Friday was more like just family, Saturday, it rained continuously which made the whole BBQ garden idea totally unworkable. Tob and I got together and resigned ourselves to this and then regrouped to have an indoor BBQ, put the ovens on, organised the furniture and got on with it.It was good fun, got to see lots of people I haven't seen for ages. We got given alot of bottles of champagne and a selection of nice plants.
All sorts came round, possibly only half of the potential guests - I'm sure if the weather had been better more would have shown up.
Friday afternoon there was a surreal moment when Dad turned up, I was making some trifle and I had my Mum and Dad in the same room bossing me and my trifle around, it was hillarious, a real family trifle!
Saturday afternoon was quite hard work, keeping everybody fed on 'bbq' out of the oven, trifle, alcohol, coffee and tea depending on their tastes.
My boss came too, which was a bit of a surprise, OK I did invite him but I invited loads from work, I knew a couple were definatley coming but I'd not had confirmation. He's such a nice bloke, luckily him and his wife liked the home made trifle.
Sunday, the weather was much better so we actually had a BBQ outside, with two lots of people, some for lunch and then a new batch in the evening. I don't think the dishwasher has been on so much in the space of 48 hours before.I'm shattered but happy.
We now have Brent and Jantine for the week to finish off the party food while they sing sing sing in Ely Cathedral. Tob's introducing Jantine to World of Warcrack, Brent is just finishing off the 2nd knitted booty for Billy bob and oh, they've just logged off and are getting out the Dance Dance Revolution Mats for a little dance off!!! I'm just watching....

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Walk the line - 4.5 stars Excellent

Both are totally believable. Amazing story. Johnny Cash and June Carter, amazing people. The music was great and I'm left with a better understanding of the history of 20th century music. Posted by Picasa
It's been a weekend of extremes. I made a starbucks style frappuchino at home with Green and blacks chocolate ginger icecream, espresso and milk, which would have been stimulating enough, but then I ate a chocolate espresso brownie bought from waitrose with a huge latte made with my impressively tasty Senseo Coffee maker and frothy milk. I was up until 1.30 am!
Tob and I watched 'Walk the line' the Johnny Cash film. Good film, restless evening. Fortunately, I drank jugs of weak Bottle green Sweet lime cordial (new found flavour) to try and make up for the diuretic effects of the coffee chocolate high.
I managed to sleep it off Sunday then spent what was left (about 30 mins) of the morning plus the early afternoon doing pregnancy yoga. I'm having a very relaxed day. I've made a list of stuff to make a hospital bag. It seems like a good time to start thinking about these things. I've got almost everything already, just the new born nappies and disposable knickers!
So far the list looks like this:
Pack newborn nappies
Mini Sudocrem tub
Portable changing mat
3 newborn vests
2 Babygrows
2 Sleepsuits
2 Blankets
2 sets scratch mittens
Car Seat
2 prefolds
Hooded towel

Travel Hairdryer (ask Sarah)
Shampoo, Conditioner, Showergel
Bodylotion/face cream
Pack of sanitary towels
Disposable knickers
Night Dress
Dressing Gown
Pyjamas - 2 bottoms, 2 vests
Change of comfortable clothes
Breast pads
2 Flannels
2 large towels

CD player & CDs & batteries
Magazines, books - big birth book
Birthing/fit Ball
Support Pillow
Snack Bag
Bottles of lucozade

If anyone thinks of anything I'm missing, you know the drill.

Well I'm on my 5th episode of Buffy season 1. No more chocolate brownies. Tob is very sweaty and smelly having just cut the grass and keeps threatening me with his stinkyness. Next DVD please Tob, thanks.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Shattered. Billybob is preparing me for night feeds I think. From about 3am he swoops and kicks, waking me up every so often, more often.
Last night I got all inspired again about the rehearsal studios. I've resigned myself to not having the energy or time to do the survey and business plan until the new year after a really poor response to the survey I did with ADeC using their bands mailing list. The best way to get some real figures is to be going to plenty of local gigs and talking directly to people. Well what with trying to avoid smoky places, late nights and alcohol, plus not having any spare cash to go to gigs, this is a bit difficult right now. One thing at a time.
I got a few interesting emails to the elyplugin email address I set up - mostly people who have contacted the ADeC about what's available and they've mentioned my plans. It was really good to be communicating with interested people even if my response has been, it's on hold until next year. I might have found someone interested in sharing it as a business. This appeals to me as I work better in a team. I didn't really think of it that way until this came up but I can see this becoming more of a reality if I can share research and writing of business plan with someone who sees the same vision as me.