Thursday, November 30, 2006
Robot baby
30 November! That makes Leon a Month old. And I managed to get up, feed him, shower, wash him, massage him, dress him, sign for a package (the re-usable nappies have arrived!) and make my breakfast whilst listening to a Gary Newman interview (Leon was in the bouncer and seemed strangely into the Electronic Music - could this have anything to do with being born to Kraftwerk?).To my amazement it was only 10am, it's usually at least midday! Last night he took from 7.30pm to 11pm to settle, he was wide awake, fed, changed, not interested in the dummy and the only thing that would keep him quiet even if it didn't make him sleepy was bouncing in the bouncer courtesy of Toby's foot.By 10pm we decided that as he was fed at 7pm it would be worth trying another feed and then seeing if he would settle and it did. I just needed to spend 20mins sitting next to him as he lay in the cot, replacing the dummy until he was asleep, then moving the dummy from under his cheek :) and just waiting until he was well and truly snoring away which was about 11pm. Now I say that's not bad. He slept until 4am, fed an hour (incl. a change and a couple of burps) and then woke again at just before 9am which means somehow I managed to do all in the first paragraph in about an hour! Not bad eh.The health visitor should be arriving soon so he will be weighed again.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
As you can see from the reflection on his forehead, he is loosing his hair on the top of his head as his head grows. He's still hairy at the back of his head so now he looks like a middle aged balding man. Then there's the pimples. Oh well. He is still cute with his pointy ears and multiple expressions. Last night he took ages to settle, After his usual feed he was wide awake and just wanted to be jiggled and play. He did look over tired at the same time. We tried leaving him to cry himself to sleep. After 15 mins we thought it had worked but then 15 mins later he started up and I couldn't take it anymore and fed him again. It worked and for the first half of Xmen 3 he lay fast asleep on my lap. My final prognosis was that I think he needed an extra feed, probably growth spurt again. I just hope my boobs can keep up with the increase in demand.Can you see a pattern here? midday, he's just fed and chilled out, I've finally managed to eat breakfast and then I get a chance to take a picture of him flaked out on my camera phone and blog! It's a beautiful day and I've been invited round to our neighbour who has just moved out of our street and down the road's new house. We will miss her but she's not too far away for a visit - just off Cam Drive. First; awaiting a delivery - a couple more nursing bras. The fennel tea seems to be working well. It hasn't eradicated tummy ache but it seems alot less and he doesn't posset quite so much.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Sleep and massage
Good night last night, I'd managed to express about 3 1/2 floz during the day - the midwife said I could start every other day - too often and I'll confuse me boobs. We got him ready for bed, I fed him a bit while the milk warmed up and then Tob finished the job with the bottle. He is fine with the bottle, he didn't want all of it and left the last little bit so we felt sure that he'd had enough. Tob got him to sleep on his lap on a pillow and then transferred him to his cot once he was fast asleep. He slept until 12.30am, I fed him, he went straight back to sleep, no dummy needed, then he woke about 3am, I thought it was too soon so I gave him his dummy, he went back to sleep for about half hour. I thought OK, I'll change and feed him, so I did. He then went through until 8.30am, which is very civilised. I fed him again in bed and he slept on my chest while I dozed listening to the radio until about 10am. I like that bit, it's so nice to be close like that with him, I think he likes it too. He isn't sleeping on his back either (flat head and all that) so I think it's probably good as he's on me and I can keep an eye on him. He gets a long mummy hug too.
I added something new to the routine today, everyday, I wash and dress him about 10am, and after I've washed him I let him kick about naked for a bit, and if he's due a feed, I'll wrap him in a few towels and feed him nappyless (I like living dangerously). I've added a bit of massage to the routine with a drop of olive oil. I followed the instructions in my Mother and Baby magazine. He wasn't that keen, some bits he liked but he wasn't as relaxed as I've seen him be. I kept it short as he was clearly not really in the mood. Maybe tomorrow he will be up for it.
I added something new to the routine today, everyday, I wash and dress him about 10am, and after I've washed him I let him kick about naked for a bit, and if he's due a feed, I'll wrap him in a few towels and feed him nappyless (I like living dangerously). I've added a bit of massage to the routine with a drop of olive oil. I followed the instructions in my Mother and Baby magazine. He wasn't that keen, some bits he liked but he wasn't as relaxed as I've seen him be. I kept it short as he was clearly not really in the mood. Maybe tomorrow he will be up for it.
Dummy grip
wind, dummies and bottles
Leon's doing well, sleeping well again :)
We've discovered two new tricks, from friends and a book Sarah the Goth lent us:
1) a spoonfull or two of cold fennel tea before feeds reduces trapped wind - seems to be working.
2) when he does have wind we lie him on his side, on a cushion, on our laps with a dummy... and that really helps.
He's definitely a dummy baby. We don't use it all the time, but he likes it in the evenings and he's started to hold it, or at least reach for it... unfortunately he often knocks it out his mouth!
And, news flash, I fed him with a bottle of expressed milk last night :)
He's a lovely chappy :)
We've discovered two new tricks, from friends and a book Sarah the Goth lent us:
1) a spoonfull or two of cold fennel tea before feeds reduces trapped wind - seems to be working.
2) when he does have wind we lie him on his side, on a cushion, on our laps with a dummy... and that really helps.
He's definitely a dummy baby. We don't use it all the time, but he likes it in the evenings and he's started to hold it, or at least reach for it... unfortunately he often knocks it out his mouth!
And, news flash, I fed him with a bottle of expressed milk last night :)
He's a lovely chappy :)
Monday, November 27, 2006
New outfit
Busy few days, I like weekends; Tob is around so when there's a nappy to change, I can say 'your turn!' We had fun with him and Tob's really taken it in his stride, getting into doing baby stuff during the weekend.
We tried the swaddling blanket I got on Friday - it's specially designed and isn't too thick or rigid. It worked well Saturday night - Hans and Simone came round late afternoon to meet Leon and when it came to putting him to bed he went down pretty quickly.
Last night was a different matter and he really took offence to having his arms down and inside the swaddling. It just made him angrier and angrier - everytime he's woken up having been swaddled Saturday night and last night, he'd wriggled his arms free, I thought I was pretty good at getting him swaddled without it being too tight, the cloth holding in place with his body as it is meant to be. The material is stretchy so with determination, he always gets his arms out. I worry he will get cold as each time I went to him last night, he'd wriggled his upper body right out of it.
It was taken out of my hands about 4.30am this morning when due to a full boob and a guzzling baby, he wouldn't burp properly culminating in chucking what must have been most of the feed back up all down the swaddling blanket - thankfully his sleepsuit was dry, but my dressing gown was soaked and went straight in the wash with all the baby stuff today.
I think I will keep the swaddling blanket for when he's really overtired. In times of need I can wrap him up and feed him to sleep, that seems to be the only time I can get away with swaddling him/swaddling helps get him off to sleep. I thought right from birth he'd be better in the grobag anyway, he seems to sleep best with his arms up by his head.
I've been reading the breast feeding book that Sarah gave me, it has loads of pretty good tips for getting him to sleep in different circumstances, not to mention good tips for how often to feed - I think I've been feeding to often - little bits rather than letting him get properly hungry, the dummy has meant that when he just wants a comfort suck, he doesn't get me, which also means I'm getting more done. The best outcome is less possetting and less tummy ache for him.
I'm just about organised enough to get some cooled weak fennel tea down him before a feed now, it's hard to tell if it's working yet.
Thursday evening, my favorite black cargo pants (maternity ones, but who's counting?) ripped up the bum, leaving me officially with no trousers that fit to speak of. Rest assured I'm doing something about this...on a budget of course.
I better get this posted, Leon's waking up...
We tried the swaddling blanket I got on Friday - it's specially designed and isn't too thick or rigid. It worked well Saturday night - Hans and Simone came round late afternoon to meet Leon and when it came to putting him to bed he went down pretty quickly.
Last night was a different matter and he really took offence to having his arms down and inside the swaddling. It just made him angrier and angrier - everytime he's woken up having been swaddled Saturday night and last night, he'd wriggled his arms free, I thought I was pretty good at getting him swaddled without it being too tight, the cloth holding in place with his body as it is meant to be. The material is stretchy so with determination, he always gets his arms out. I worry he will get cold as each time I went to him last night, he'd wriggled his upper body right out of it.
It was taken out of my hands about 4.30am this morning when due to a full boob and a guzzling baby, he wouldn't burp properly culminating in chucking what must have been most of the feed back up all down the swaddling blanket - thankfully his sleepsuit was dry, but my dressing gown was soaked and went straight in the wash with all the baby stuff today.
I think I will keep the swaddling blanket for when he's really overtired. In times of need I can wrap him up and feed him to sleep, that seems to be the only time I can get away with swaddling him/swaddling helps get him off to sleep. I thought right from birth he'd be better in the grobag anyway, he seems to sleep best with his arms up by his head.
I've been reading the breast feeding book that Sarah gave me, it has loads of pretty good tips for getting him to sleep in different circumstances, not to mention good tips for how often to feed - I think I've been feeding to often - little bits rather than letting him get properly hungry, the dummy has meant that when he just wants a comfort suck, he doesn't get me, which also means I'm getting more done. The best outcome is less possetting and less tummy ache for him.
I'm just about organised enough to get some cooled weak fennel tea down him before a feed now, it's hard to tell if it's working yet.
Thursday evening, my favorite black cargo pants (maternity ones, but who's counting?) ripped up the bum, leaving me officially with no trousers that fit to speak of. Rest assured I'm doing something about this...on a budget of course.
I better get this posted, Leon's waking up...
Friday, November 24, 2006
Today has been much better, crabby baby wise, I got loads done this morning, had relaxed long feeds with Leon and lots of lovely moments where there's either been a smile or a look. Yesterday Amanda came round with her son Joshua who was born on the 27th Oct, he was much better behaved than Leon and while Amanda and I dealt with crabby Leon, Joshua slept soundly. We walked into town, had a coffee in Starbucks and Amanda went on to her in laws who live opposite Tob's parents and Leon and I went back home via waitrose. I'm still getting the Ahhh, a newborn! Especially strangely enough in waitrose. He always falls asleep in there, I think it's the sound of all the beeps from the tills.
Today at 2pm, Sarah Y came round with her Leah and Hayley who is due early December, it's her second so I doubt as she's almost 38 weeks, she will have much longer to wait. We nattered about births, breast feeding and all that stuff and there was noone there to get offended, freaked out or surprised as we described our toe curling breastfeeding moments etc etc.
It was good to see Hayley.
Leon is taking a while to settle this evening. I've more or less left it to Tob to settle him, he seems to drop off for half an hour or so then wake up and start up. He didn't seem particularly tired at the last feed, I might need to feed him again before he settles for the night.
I'm going to try to stay awake to watch Jonathan Ross. I reckon I'll last half way through if I'm lucky.
Today at 2pm, Sarah Y came round with her Leah and Hayley who is due early December, it's her second so I doubt as she's almost 38 weeks, she will have much longer to wait. We nattered about births, breast feeding and all that stuff and there was noone there to get offended, freaked out or surprised as we described our toe curling breastfeeding moments etc etc.
It was good to see Hayley.
Leon is taking a while to settle this evening. I've more or less left it to Tob to settle him, he seems to drop off for half an hour or so then wake up and start up. He didn't seem particularly tired at the last feed, I might need to feed him again before he settles for the night.
I'm going to try to stay awake to watch Jonathan Ross. I reckon I'll last half way through if I'm lucky.
Hello boys
It was hillarious, both of them kicking and punching like tortioses on their backs. I'd had a bit of a day, Leon was pretty crabby all day and chose opportune moments to fill his nappy, like halfway into town so I had to push him through Ely while he screamed his head off. It was the first time I walked into town and back so I was frazzled. I was glad we were going to Sarah's for film club to see Repo Man, which is really funny. I was a bit preoccupied worrying about Leon, he was fast asleep upstairs but I couldn't hear him with the door shut. I coudn't resist any more by 9pm and got Tob to check on him. He had woken up but wasn't yelling his head off, so I fed him and he fell asleep on me for the rest of the film. After the film, and various nappy changes we laid them next to each other, this is probably the biggest difference there will be between them, in a year they will be in essence the same age - they are only 6 weeks apart. I do think Leon looks like Dewy from Malcolm in the Middle.

Mat and Leon
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
3 weeks old today
Frank and Jan gave us some vouchers to buy something for Leon so I got him a couple of Whoozit toys, I think they are great, the one in the picture is a photo album so far, I've only got a couple of pictures of him in there but I plan to put some pictures of family in there. He's been asleep most of the day but I thought while he's awake to see what he makes of the toys. He can focus on the picture of himself. He's fallen asleep now...

Ahhh, he slept from 10pm straight through to 5am, so I think, he had some sleep to catch up on! Tob checked him about 3 and he was fast asleep, dummyless and contented. He woke up just after 5am, my boobs were like melons so he got a good feed for a good half hour, I changed him and gave him his dummy. He was out like a light until 9am when I fed him again, washed hima nd got him dressed. He did the biggest nappy filler I've seen so far, then he slept the morning while I got showered and did some chores, he's fed again and I'm watching Scrubs, pottering on my 'puter and chillin' out. He's wrapped up on the sofa next to me, occasionally snuffling.
Dad came up yesterday to meet his grandson, they seemed to get on rather well. Leon's been hard work the last couple of days, clingy and won't stop eating and wouldn't sleep for very long. I've experimented with the length of feeds, the temperature, amount of clothing etc and nothing really works. A trip in the push chair usually sets him off to sleep but that's no longer a forgone conclusion either.
He just seemed to want to comfort feed and after an hour and a half of not really feeding, half asleep but whenever I tried to put him down, he'd wake up and start crying and rooting. There was no way he was still hungry and his bum was clean. I suggested we try out a dummy for nighttime as the comfort feeding is giving him bad tummy ache and all he does is puke it back up. After trying everything we could think of, rocking, pushing in the pushchair, bouncing, etc etc we sterilised the Dummies we'd been so reluctant to accept from a friend of Ellen's and gave one to him. He shut up and sucked and we've had peace and quiet for the first time in 3 hours. Both of us feel a bit ashamed as we didn't want to resort to a dummy but in the light of his lack of sleep and tummy ache from over feeding it seemed worth a try. My boobs can recover in time for the next feed coming up very soon.
The last couple of nights I've had him in with me most of the night, he just wouldn't settle so I'd feed him to sleep each time he woke crying. I'm shattered as I've been with him all night both nights, I did doze at times but I would wake with every splutter or snore. I've no idea what I'm doing up this late now other than I thought it a good idea to blog having missed a day. He is still cuddly and adorable, I feel that the dummy has given us a chance to comfort him where before we'd try everything and still he'd be crying.
He just seemed to want to comfort feed and after an hour and a half of not really feeding, half asleep but whenever I tried to put him down, he'd wake up and start crying and rooting. There was no way he was still hungry and his bum was clean. I suggested we try out a dummy for nighttime as the comfort feeding is giving him bad tummy ache and all he does is puke it back up. After trying everything we could think of, rocking, pushing in the pushchair, bouncing, etc etc we sterilised the Dummies we'd been so reluctant to accept from a friend of Ellen's and gave one to him. He shut up and sucked and we've had peace and quiet for the first time in 3 hours. Both of us feel a bit ashamed as we didn't want to resort to a dummy but in the light of his lack of sleep and tummy ache from over feeding it seemed worth a try. My boobs can recover in time for the next feed coming up very soon.
The last couple of nights I've had him in with me most of the night, he just wouldn't settle so I'd feed him to sleep each time he woke crying. I'm shattered as I've been with him all night both nights, I did doze at times but I would wake with every splutter or snore. I've no idea what I'm doing up this late now other than I thought it a good idea to blog having missed a day. He is still cuddly and adorable, I feel that the dummy has given us a chance to comfort him where before we'd try everything and still he'd be crying.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Grizzly bear & Don
Sunday, November 19, 2006
my first trip out alone with Leon
My first trip out with Leon on my own! Yep, drove to Waitrose car park with him well fed and changed. Then transferred him into a papoose for a walk to Boots. He didn't like being disturbed and moaned quite a bit. I was worried I'd caught his leg or had strapped him in wrong, but he quietened down as soon as I started walking. So Boots was easy.
Then back to the car and into the car seat again for a trip round waitrose. Again, he didn't like being disturbed, and actually cried a bit even after I started pushing him round the store. He just wanted a bit of a hug - I've found that putting him down then doing a little circle on his chest quietens him down.
Then, as long as I kept the trolly moving, he was fine, just dozing. Now I know why you see people rocking their prams back and forth... though it's a bit more work doing it with a laden shopping trolly I'll tell ya.
Trip home was uneventful and infact he slept until C fed him. He's just being changed now, then we're off to Cambridge again (Mothercare)... only ooooh 3h later than we'd planned!
PS C says she was fine while he was gone, but it's the first time he's been not by her side, apart from a short trip round the block with my parents in the pushchair. I think it must have been nerves - she's cleaned the whole house!
Then back to the car and into the car seat again for a trip round waitrose. Again, he didn't like being disturbed, and actually cried a bit even after I started pushing him round the store. He just wanted a bit of a hug - I've found that putting him down then doing a little circle on his chest quietens him down.
Then, as long as I kept the trolly moving, he was fine, just dozing. Now I know why you see people rocking their prams back and forth... though it's a bit more work doing it with a laden shopping trolly I'll tell ya.
Trip home was uneventful and infact he slept until C fed him. He's just being changed now, then we're off to Cambridge again (Mothercare)... only ooooh 3h later than we'd planned!
PS C says she was fine while he was gone, but it's the first time he's been not by her side, apart from a short trip round the block with my parents in the pushchair. I think it must have been nerves - she's cleaned the whole house!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
my son, my mirror
I went up to check on Leon just now. He was fine, just twiching occasionally. Then he smiled in his sleep, and it was like looking into a mirror. I'd seen he's got my ears etc, but it was the first time I'd really seen me in him. It was very emotional, I came down and hugged Christine. I think he must be learning from watching us - he had my smile. Writing this is bringing it back again, it was a very moving moment. Wow.
he's noticed the mobile!
Leon was being a bit grumpy, so I laid him in the cot and tried the mobile... and he was fasinated. He's really taking more notice of what's around him now (though he noticed the black & white patterns you can see on the side of the cot a week or so ago).

It was hard work following those flying lions though, and he dropped off. C wasn't too keen on me putting him on his tummy to sleep, but I figure there's nothing for him to choke on so it's ok - the warning is for putting them down on blankets or something that they might not be able to extract themselves from. Which reminds me - he can hold his head up for several long seconds at a time now!

It was hard work following those flying lions though, and he dropped off. C wasn't too keen on me putting him on his tummy to sleep, but I figure there's nothing for him to choke on so it's ok - the warning is for putting them down on blankets or something that they might not be able to extract themselves from. Which reminds me - he can hold his head up for several long seconds at a time now!

Leon in the kitchen
First (whole) night in his cot - in his own room.
Yep, last night he slept like a baby. He was excellent, I put him to bed at 7pm, he slept until midnight, fed then 'til 5am fed again, then 'til 9am when we woke up.
Night before last, he went off in the cot but woke up every couple of hours and took ages to settle. By about 3am, I brought him in with us and put him in the moses basket as by then I was fed up with going back and forth. Tonight, it's now gone 9pm and he's fine. He seems perfectly comfortable in his room, his door is open, he can hear us down stairs, he can hear the telly, us talking etc and we can hear him if he cries.
We had a fab morning, bathed him in the bath with me then we left him naked for as long as we dared before putting him his grizzly bear all in one outfit with ears from Baby GAP (gift) - photo to follow, we must take one tomorrow, I doubt he will fit it by next week.
We went into Cambridge to see some Landmark friends at the seminar I helped set up in Cambridge earlier in the year - I couldn't do the seminar cos when they scheduled it, it was starting the week Leon was due. It was nice to show him off. We had lunch with them in the Graduate Centre, food very good in a school dinner sort of way.
Then we went into Cambridge shopping - we had to get passport forms and the photos for Leon's passport and Tob got a jumper. We have to go back tomorrow as we ran out of time what with 2 nappy changes and 2 feeds, one in Starbucks, one in the M&S Cafe.
Originally the idea was we went too Cambridge to buy a breast pump and various other bits from Mothercare with the vouchers we've been given, totally ran out of time. He was either asleep which was fine or crying very insistently for a change/feed making me feel like a bad mum as I made my way quickly to either a feeding spot or a loo with changing facilities.
Lots of people cooing and looking at him, it's amazing how everyone loves a new born.
We headed back to Ely in time for me to change Leon, put him in his jim jams and growbag (Sleeping bag specially for babies), feed him and get him off to sleep by just after 7pm. Lets see how long he goes tonight between feeds or if he can get him self off to sleep - he managed it once last night, I didn't expect it to work but it did. One big difference on the night before last and last night may well be leaving the landing light on, he may feel that we are still around as babies have no sense of where you go when you aren't there. It also means that if I go in to change and feed him in the night, I have just enough light so as not needing to turn the light on in the room so Leon knows it's night time.
Grandma is back home and rang this morning to say she got the album of Leon pics we sent her. She has a few weeks at home to recover from her operation before the big op which with any luck will happen over Christmas. Then in the new year we will be able to bring Leon up for the day. Peter has been printing out our blog for Grandma to read. So here's 3 cheers for Peter and a big Hello to Grandma.
Now, to fill in the passport forms!
Night before last, he went off in the cot but woke up every couple of hours and took ages to settle. By about 3am, I brought him in with us and put him in the moses basket as by then I was fed up with going back and forth. Tonight, it's now gone 9pm and he's fine. He seems perfectly comfortable in his room, his door is open, he can hear us down stairs, he can hear the telly, us talking etc and we can hear him if he cries.
We had a fab morning, bathed him in the bath with me then we left him naked for as long as we dared before putting him his grizzly bear all in one outfit with ears from Baby GAP (gift) - photo to follow, we must take one tomorrow, I doubt he will fit it by next week.
We went into Cambridge to see some Landmark friends at the seminar I helped set up in Cambridge earlier in the year - I couldn't do the seminar cos when they scheduled it, it was starting the week Leon was due. It was nice to show him off. We had lunch with them in the Graduate Centre, food very good in a school dinner sort of way.
Then we went into Cambridge shopping - we had to get passport forms and the photos for Leon's passport and Tob got a jumper. We have to go back tomorrow as we ran out of time what with 2 nappy changes and 2 feeds, one in Starbucks, one in the M&S Cafe.
Originally the idea was we went too Cambridge to buy a breast pump and various other bits from Mothercare with the vouchers we've been given, totally ran out of time. He was either asleep which was fine or crying very insistently for a change/feed making me feel like a bad mum as I made my way quickly to either a feeding spot or a loo with changing facilities.
Lots of people cooing and looking at him, it's amazing how everyone loves a new born.
We headed back to Ely in time for me to change Leon, put him in his jim jams and growbag (Sleeping bag specially for babies), feed him and get him off to sleep by just after 7pm. Lets see how long he goes tonight between feeds or if he can get him self off to sleep - he managed it once last night, I didn't expect it to work but it did. One big difference on the night before last and last night may well be leaving the landing light on, he may feel that we are still around as babies have no sense of where you go when you aren't there. It also means that if I go in to change and feed him in the night, I have just enough light so as not needing to turn the light on in the room so Leon knows it's night time.
Grandma is back home and rang this morning to say she got the album of Leon pics we sent her. She has a few weeks at home to recover from her operation before the big op which with any luck will happen over Christmas. Then in the new year we will be able to bring Leon up for the day. Peter has been printing out our blog for Grandma to read. So here's 3 cheers for Peter and a big Hello to Grandma.
Now, to fill in the passport forms!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
A couple of firsts today; first time out in a papoose and first time in his cot in his own room. I tried the papoose a week or so ago and he was just too floppy where as now he's a bit bigger and it worked really well. Sarah Y and I went into town, I put our car seat in the back of her car and as her car can't fit both buggies I thought I'd try the papoose. We walked into town, down to Starbucks, fed our little ones had a hot chocolate, met other mums with babies. Leon quite happily fell asleep with the motion of walking. He's been asleep in his Growbag, in his own cot now for just less than an hour, whether or not he stays there all night remains to be seen, so far so good. Last night I tried him but he just wouldn't settle or sleep so at 9.30 I took him out of the grow bag and went back to blankets, He was probably too warm so tonight I've used a sleep suit without feet which seems to have done the trick. Leon only settled to sleep by midnight last night. It seems that if I get him asleep by 7-8pm, he will sleep all evening, then feed in the early hours, if he's later, he is over tired and goes into angry baby mode which means he's awake until midnight. This is just a theory and as we all know, everything is a phase, so we shall see if I'm even in the right ball park.Until I've done this a few times I doubt I'll really relax as such. I just had a couple of swigs from Toby's beer, God it tastes good!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
2 weeks today

I'm shattered. I had a nice day, the afternoon with Sarah the Goth and her two, Matthew fell asleep on me, he's lovely and warm, a bit heavier than Leon but very cuddly. It's nice to have Sarah round, we manage a combination of Mum talk and totally unrelated subjects too.
2 weeks today! growing and changing, already spending more time awake and posing challenges for us, each day is different.
Leon won't settle again this evening, wide awake, I've tried various tactics but he isn't interested. I'll be going to bed fairly soon, tob's trying to get him off to sleep, he seems happy to do it, he gets to spend some time with Leon so fair enough.
Sarah brought me round some photo corners (I still owe her a fiver, mustn't forget) I was planning on using my evening to do the album Miche bought for Leon, no such luck!
Yep, I'm off to bed early, it could be a long night...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Last night I tried starting the old bath and bed routine, so that Tob could spend some quality time with Leon. It went a bit pear shaped and because it shifted Leons bed time back an hour or two he was over tired and he didn't settle, in fact that's an understatement we were into arms and legs kung fu by midnight with inconsolable crying. At one point I put him down on the bed, cos I didn't know what to do with him or what the matter was and he kung fu'd himself sideways across the bed, most impressive. Made me laugh.
By 1am I said that's it, he can't keep his arms or legs still and he's keeping himself awake so I'm swaddling him. This really pissed him off but I stuck a boob in his mouth which shut him up and 20-30mins later he was fast asleep in the moses basket and slept through until Tob's alarm went off at 6.30.
Today he's been an angel and is spending a couple of hours awake and just looking around, wiggling and chirping away to himself.
I had a plan for when Tob got home from work so we could get him asleep between 7pm and 8pm and give Tob some time with him considering he doesn't get home until 6.45pm, i was trying to hand Toby Leon clean fed and ready for bed so he could cuddle him to sleep and put him down. Tob was upset that I was telling him what to do and he didn't get a say in what time he would get with Leon, in the end Tobe couldn't settle him and it was down to me to settle him. We talked about it and Tob would prefer to get him ready for bed when he gets home. I got him doing the wrong bit. It's still all trial and error and it doesn't help that Tob's just upset cos he misses Leon all day, I really understand that must be hard for him, I'd be upset too.
Tob and I had some cuddle time and a chance to talk about our days and what we wanted to do with the evening re. getting home from work and Leon time as appose to my trying to work out what was best without asking Tob.
Thanks to Ellen and Dan for coming round this afternoon for lunch and for doing the recycling and a bit of tidying up while I fed Leon. Bigup for Grandparents.
By 1am I said that's it, he can't keep his arms or legs still and he's keeping himself awake so I'm swaddling him. This really pissed him off but I stuck a boob in his mouth which shut him up and 20-30mins later he was fast asleep in the moses basket and slept through until Tob's alarm went off at 6.30.
Today he's been an angel and is spending a couple of hours awake and just looking around, wiggling and chirping away to himself.
I had a plan for when Tob got home from work so we could get him asleep between 7pm and 8pm and give Tob some time with him considering he doesn't get home until 6.45pm, i was trying to hand Toby Leon clean fed and ready for bed so he could cuddle him to sleep and put him down. Tob was upset that I was telling him what to do and he didn't get a say in what time he would get with Leon, in the end Tobe couldn't settle him and it was down to me to settle him. We talked about it and Tob would prefer to get him ready for bed when he gets home. I got him doing the wrong bit. It's still all trial and error and it doesn't help that Tob's just upset cos he misses Leon all day, I really understand that must be hard for him, I'd be upset too.
Tob and I had some cuddle time and a chance to talk about our days and what we wanted to do with the evening re. getting home from work and Leon time as appose to my trying to work out what was best without asking Tob.
Thanks to Ellen and Dan for coming round this afternoon for lunch and for doing the recycling and a bit of tidying up while I fed Leon. Bigup for Grandparents.
Little Roo!
'late nite' thoughts
Well it feels late, even though it's only half ten. It's been a long day, up at 6.30, cycle to the station, ugg. Get to work to find out there's been a reorganisation. Changes for me:
* I'm gonna be doing more 1st line support, rather than 2nd line. ie getting to know the customers more and dealing with them directly, rather than looking at software bugs. Might be doing bugs again in 6m, we'll see. Might either have staff or work with a team then too, again we'll see. It's a bit different to what I was expecting, and it means an even sharper learning curve but it does mean they're confident I can take it on, which is good.
* I'm moving desk, to be with the hardware support guys. This is good as although I like the people I'm sitting near, work wise I was isolated.
* Instead of 2 bosses, I've got one boss and the second boss has become his boss. So that's all for the better. They're both good bosses in their ways, so that really helps, though my direct line boss has been absent on other projects pretty much all the time I've been there so far! He should be around more from next week on though, which will be good.
So, in the spirit of things, I got Sunrise, the help desk software we use (it logs customer calls) and asked Ines, the customer help desk contact lady (I'm sure she has a more official title) to start routing calls through me as had been decided. We got 3 today, two were dealt with by John who was on site at the time anyway, but the other I took down to James who phoned the customer and I listened in, taking notes (basically I was tuning in to what he asked, with a view to creating a sort of check-list).
This call went on quite late, and I didn't leave until 6 - home at about 7.15. But it was good to really get involved - up to now I'd really done little else but read manuals and write up my notes on how to install/configure the software (which is useful, but I did feel I wasn't very involved with the day-to-day support work).
Generously, Christine had started cooking when I'd phoned to say I'd be later than ususal, and she had a nice veggie pasta bowl waiting for me - the timer went about 10 seconds after I walked in the door, how's that for timing!
After that I changed Leon, and we bathed him, C fed him then I burped him and laid him on me to settle. Except that he didn't. Was he too hot? Too cold? Bored? Overtired? We didn't know. Eventually I gave him back to C who fed him some more. Neither of us can believe how much that lad can feed. Apparently they don't over-feed themselves, and he was weighed today (8lb 4oz) and he's just right for his age. I'm not convinced though, I'm sure he just likes guzzling - at the moment C's falling asleap and so is he, but he's not giving up!
I should probably go to bed myself, starting to yawn, but just wanted a little bit of time to myself.
Before I forget, yesterday I was talking to my dad about car seats (we'd just fitted one to their car so M could take C round to register L today) and I mentioned how stable the one in our car was because it was isofix'd. I said that I supposed car seats were all held in by seatbelts before isofix was invented but my dad said no... when I was a lad there were no seatbelts in the back of cars! I don't know what everyone else back then did but my dad did his own bit of isofixing and bolted my carseat to the chassis of his car - cor!
* I'm gonna be doing more 1st line support, rather than 2nd line. ie getting to know the customers more and dealing with them directly, rather than looking at software bugs. Might be doing bugs again in 6m, we'll see. Might either have staff or work with a team then too, again we'll see. It's a bit different to what I was expecting, and it means an even sharper learning curve but it does mean they're confident I can take it on, which is good.
* I'm moving desk, to be with the hardware support guys. This is good as although I like the people I'm sitting near, work wise I was isolated.
* Instead of 2 bosses, I've got one boss and the second boss has become his boss. So that's all for the better. They're both good bosses in their ways, so that really helps, though my direct line boss has been absent on other projects pretty much all the time I've been there so far! He should be around more from next week on though, which will be good.
So, in the spirit of things, I got Sunrise, the help desk software we use (it logs customer calls) and asked Ines, the customer help desk contact lady (I'm sure she has a more official title) to start routing calls through me as had been decided. We got 3 today, two were dealt with by John who was on site at the time anyway, but the other I took down to James who phoned the customer and I listened in, taking notes (basically I was tuning in to what he asked, with a view to creating a sort of check-list).
This call went on quite late, and I didn't leave until 6 - home at about 7.15. But it was good to really get involved - up to now I'd really done little else but read manuals and write up my notes on how to install/configure the software (which is useful, but I did feel I wasn't very involved with the day-to-day support work).
Generously, Christine had started cooking when I'd phoned to say I'd be later than ususal, and she had a nice veggie pasta bowl waiting for me - the timer went about 10 seconds after I walked in the door, how's that for timing!
After that I changed Leon, and we bathed him, C fed him then I burped him and laid him on me to settle. Except that he didn't. Was he too hot? Too cold? Bored? Overtired? We didn't know. Eventually I gave him back to C who fed him some more. Neither of us can believe how much that lad can feed. Apparently they don't over-feed themselves, and he was weighed today (8lb 4oz) and he's just right for his age. I'm not convinced though, I'm sure he just likes guzzling - at the moment C's falling asleap and so is he, but he's not giving up!
I should probably go to bed myself, starting to yawn, but just wanted a little bit of time to myself.
Before I forget, yesterday I was talking to my dad about car seats (we'd just fitted one to their car so M could take C round to register L today) and I mentioned how stable the one in our car was because it was isofix'd. I said that I supposed car seats were all held in by seatbelts before isofix was invented but my dad said no... when I was a lad there were no seatbelts in the back of cars! I don't know what everyone else back then did but my dad did his own bit of isofixing and bolted my carseat to the chassis of his car - cor!
Monday, November 13, 2006
Tob's just trying to get Leon off to sleep, he's very awake for some reason, even though he's warm, well fed and normally would be fast asleep by now. I had the health visitor visit today, I didn't get many chores done in the morning as Leon was very clingy, I think I've since worked out he might have been a bit cold which would explain him not wanting to be put down and fed alot.The Health Visitor weighed him, he's now 3.74kg/8lbs4oz which is bang on for growth, he's slightly below the middle line, so average size. Tob is about average height so that could explain it.I thought the health visitor was very good and it looks like there's quite a social support structure for 1st time mums in Ely, probably mostly because post natal depression is twice the national average due to the amount of dormitory housing where the mum is stuck up here with no family or friends while Dad works up in London. We luckily have both family and friends but this won't stop me from making the most of the facilities on offer.Then Ellen and I went into town with Leon in his bear suit from Jane, it's very cosy.
We officially registered Leon at the Registry office. His Birth cert should arrive by wednesday they said.'
We then came home for lunch, went back into town, did a bit of shopping and came back again. Leon slept all afternoon in the buggy.Apparently Leon is currently filling his nappy happily, it's not making Tob's job of settling him for the night very easy. We have had a bath, tob got him ready for bed, I fed him and Tob's now settling him. Trouble is Tob's tired and wants some PC time but isn't getting any, he of course wants Leon time too but that's quite tiring in itself.I'm practically falling asleep now (it's 10 to 10) I might just go to bed.
We officially registered Leon at the Registry office. His Birth cert should arrive by wednesday they said.'
We then came home for lunch, went back into town, did a bit of shopping and came back again. Leon slept all afternoon in the buggy.Apparently Leon is currently filling his nappy happily, it's not making Tob's job of settling him for the night very easy. We have had a bath, tob got him ready for bed, I fed him and Tob's now settling him. Trouble is Tob's tired and wants some PC time but isn't getting any, he of course wants Leon time too but that's quite tiring in itself.I'm practically falling asleep now (it's 10 to 10) I might just go to bed.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Friends and relatives
M&D invited various friends and relatives to lunch & afternoon Leon time.
Everybody showered him with gifts and throught he was adorable :)
There was Gillian (on the right below) and Tom (sorry, didn't snap you Tom) who gave Leon a lovely sleeping toy - a blue donkey called 'Noodle' in a fluffy pocket that plays music :)

Doreen, M&D's neibough who'd got him loads and loads of bibs and clothes :)

Mum made a "Hallo Leon" cake :)

Jane, Grace and Keith came

and Fred, Sylvia and Sue too (that's not Fred, that's Leon, sorry Fred missed you somehow!)

Later my friend Jane came round. It was lovely to see her, she's only in Cambridge but we don't see each other enough, still we have an excuse to invite people round now :)

It was lovely to see everyone - thank you to everyone for the gifts for Leon :)
Everybody showered him with gifts and throught he was adorable :)
There was Gillian (on the right below) and Tom (sorry, didn't snap you Tom) who gave Leon a lovely sleeping toy - a blue donkey called 'Noodle' in a fluffy pocket that plays music :)

Doreen, M&D's neibough who'd got him loads and loads of bibs and clothes :)

Mum made a "Hallo Leon" cake :)

Jane, Grace and Keith came

and Fred, Sylvia and Sue too (that's not Fred, that's Leon, sorry Fred missed you somehow!)

Later my friend Jane came round. It was lovely to see her, she's only in Cambridge but we don't see each other enough, still we have an excuse to invite people round now :)

It was lovely to see everyone - thank you to everyone for the gifts for Leon :)
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