Friday, July 25, 2008

Signed off with spots

Reuben was a month old 2 days ago. The health visitor came round this morning, weighed him and got me to do the PND questionaire. I scored 1 which means I'm definitley not planning on topping myself. She confirmed his acne, is indeed Milk Spots, of which he has plenty. She told me they don't know what causes it, it's just there. There are theories about hormones in breast milk but the official line is 'we don't know'.

So, he's now a healthy 10lbs 11 and a half oz, which takes him just over the 50th Centile, he was just under at birth.

Monday, July 21, 2008

All is quiet apart from the swing playing it's usual tunes

My first day, alone with the both of them. This morning, having hung out the washing (pretty orginized eh?) I walked into town with the both of them for the charity play day at the Paradise Leisure Centre. If ever a place was less aptly named. It said on the flyers that it was for under 5's which we took to mean 0-5. It was actually for 2 and above, really and there was really nothing I thought Leon really could enjoy. A few goes on a slide that was too hard for him to climb, so I'd have to lift him on everything. The trampolines were too scary as was the bouncy castle. After trying everything, I gave Leon something to eat, fed Reuben (sitting cross legged on the cold gym floor, I might add) changed them both, by which time it was nearly midday. I decided to complain to the organisers as I thought the day was wrongly advertised and there were many like me there with 2 under 2 feeling a little cheated. The mad thing was, non of the other mums were prepared to say anything and when I asked them what they thought in front of the manager bloke, they ummed and ahhed and agreed with him that it was their fault for bringing their kids to a place not meant for under twos. Mad!!! I still feel a little miffed that we were made to feel that we should have left straight away if we didn't like the way it was set up. We all let our tots have a go on everything, at least have a try. Who wants to be the one to say, 'sorry love, this place is unsuitable we are leaving now' to their under 2 year old? There were no chairs and no refreshments, to which the manager said, they under estimated how many would turn up and that they thought hot drinks inapropriate around under 5's. We manage fine at all the playgroups who all provide tea and coffee for the mums! All I was able to do was say, next time put for 2-5's not under 5's if you aren't prepared to cater for the under 2's. I can't work out what got me more, the manager blaming me for taking Leon in there or the other mums for not being prepared to back me up. I still love them all but am surprised at how most people don't like to make a fuss and all that britishness.
So far a quiet afternoon, they are both still asleep! Pictures from last week when my mum was here. It was lovely to have her here for the week and meant that Tob could go back to work and I'd still have an extra pair of hands for the week. I was really quite sad when she left on Saturday. Leon has really taken to her, he remembered his Grandma from when she was here just before Reuben was born, I think. That first time, he was still getting used to moving house but this time he was leading her around the place, demanding books read etc and having regular cuddles.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Friday, July 04, 2008

More Sleep

Reuben's slowly sleeping in longer blocks and feeding for longer which is a bonus. I've only got Toby for one more week, so it's good to get Reuben into a loose pattern of feeding and sleeping at least. We've been doing a fair few play groups to keep Leon engaged and are in process of sorting him out a sandpit for in the garden. He's still being brilliant, even with teething, which seems to involve him stuffing his hand into his mouth as far as possible and wingeing until the pain goes. Partly why it's best to keep him destracted and busy when it hits. He demands to go out on the pram and seems to be obsessed with going in the toddler seat which can't be a bad thing as we will be walking up and down Lynn Road into town most days once Toby is back to work. As you can see, he's been very helpful with Reuben and doesn't seem to resent him. I worry about when Toby does go back to work as Leon spends load of time with his Dad and is really enjoying having him here all the time. Today, we did playgroup in the morning, came home for lunch and for Leon's sleep and Tob took Leon to the playground and a bike ride on my bike while I had a chance to go through my to do list, book an appointment to get Reuben registered and look at the child benefit forms etc. I can't believe it's been nearly 2 weeks already, it's flying past.
The health visitor will be here tomorrow! We still haven't got the electric shower fixed which went about a week before Reuben was due, so ages ago. It's just a case of not getting round to getting a plumber to quote and in the mean time having baths instead of showers, Tob doesn't like it much as washing his hair involves pouring jugs of water over his head but apart from that it could be worse. It would be good to get it sorted soon now though. Sorted doesn't seem to come up in our vocabulary of new parents of two children now.