We came back from a lovely 2 weeks away in the west country on Friday. Tob's parents had a good idea and some Tesco vouchers which paid for most of a holiday at Haven down on the South Coast of Devon and a week at Butlins Minehead. I love the west country and considering the state of the worldwide tourist trade, holidaying in the UK is a safe bet a the mo, not to mention being alot cheaper.
The pool at Butlins was fab and much fun was had on the slides, chasing Leon the fearless around and hanging out with Jan and Maaike. The changing rooms at Butlins were really good too, as well as well heated, something that most pools can't seem to get right.
The Butlins experience was mixed, the place was OK, the kiddie stuff was good in places, not so great in others. The staff were very nice, the next door neighbours not so great, on the last night I ended up telling them to please turn off their telly and tell their kids to go to bed at about 1am. I must have been a bit scary as it went quiet immediatley.
We went on some fabulous day trips, to farms and on steam railways which was an absolute joy - to watch Leon see a real steam train moving for the first time, and sitting in a train. Every time it slowed down or stopped he got most upset. The Pecorama in South Devon, I re-named Slope World as apart from being an exiting mixture of model trains, real trains and well thought out children's climbing stuff with slides, the whole thing is situated on the side of a cliff pretty much providing Leon with his favorite past time running up and down things, hence 'Slope World'.
Leon's vocabulary has gone mad and he's making sentences now, short ones, but sentences none the less. He's also able to copy stuff we say now too. He definitely sees the benefits of language and is developing everyday.