We went to the Ramsey Plough Fest on Sunday, as you can see Leon had a whale of a time. It was very interesting to see all these old vintage tractors ploughing up fields. Every once in a while you would be faced with a modern one which was about 3 times the size of the old ones and you realise just how big they are. Tobe got to plough an actual furrow and as you can see there's a very proud picture of Leon and Tobe in a tractor taken by it's owner. I wandered around with Reuben in the papoose and due to the fact the weather looked like it would turn for the worst, I put the mexican blanket round him. I then got every other person cooing and ahhhing about him. I doubt I went more than a couple of steps without someone melting at the amazing cuteness of the boy. As Tobe was with Leon and had the camera, all the pics are of Leon.
On Monday out in the garden playing with the tractor and sand, I came out to find he'd piled the tractor with sand and ericatious soil mud from the Acer tree. He'd been out there for ages which was great for me as I was cleaning the kitchen, I'd glance out the window to see what he was up to. All I could see was he was happily playing with the sand. It was only on close inspection I saw the extent of the mess once he'd gone for his sleep and I went out to clear up. It just made me smile. I did move all the pots well away from the sand pit...