I finished reading Girl with a Pearl Earring on Wednesday on my way back from Landmark. It would have been Tuesday but for me leaving my wallet on the sofa Monday night and facing an embarrassing scene at the ticket booth at Cabridge station. I smiled sweetly and said looks like I wont be going to London this evening, don't worry I know exactly where my wallet is - on the sofa!
Girl with a pearl earring was an amazing read, better than the film. It was a glimse into 17th Century life in Delft. Good fun.
I still haven't started any fitness classes, Tob and I are colluding badly here on this one. It must start soon. We are to start evening classes too, me basic garden design and Tob basic Dutch. He decided that if he was married to a bilingual family, he too must make an effort to learn a bit of it. I'm very impressed.
Today I spent a hard 5 hours digging up the front garden infront of the house, enlarging the bed and taking the stones and putting them in corner where I will soon plant some alpine and house leeks - they like stones and rocks. the other bit is now dug down about 12 inches with three layers, deepest daffodil bulbs, then Tulips, then crocuses. I've planted some other bulbs that I can't remember their names and sewn some cornflower seeds. Plus I've dug a bed right at the front with daffs and tulips and then some Heather on top for some winter interest.
I put the grass from on top in the compost and given my lollypop tree a good licking so it's nice and round. It should be Ok for when it goes to sleep for winter.
I even had a couple of bulbs left over for the back garden.
Tob's parents have just bought a conservatory and the little shed they have on the patio would be in the way so they asked if we would like it. We have done some measuring and it would fit sideways down under the trees at the back. that corner is too shady for anything to grow so it would be fine and all the crap (forks, rakes, pots etc) we have in the corner of the patio would go in there so we could actually use the patio next summer. I can't wait for next spring now to see if my bulbs come up OK. Very exciting!
Tomorrow my new phone arrives at work. I rang vodafone on friday cos my contract has run out and I fancy a better camera phone (for blogging etc) I was going to ask for my puk code and take my number elsewhere to get a new free phone. They asked me why I was leaving and offered me a new camera phone if I'd stay and put me on a cheaper package. It wasn't for nothing, the contract is 18 months instead of 12 but I don't have to phaf about changing stuff to a new network and I hope I have a better phone than the one I would have chosen. I was going to go for another nokia flip phone, main differences being a better camera and a built in music player. The guy has sold me a Samsung with a much better camera and it's a 3G phone so it has a much larger memory. I don't intend to go 3g but It will be interesting fiddling about with the phone. I get 14 days to see if I like it. The only thing that I'm a bit worried about is what kind of charger it needs, we have about 5 nokia chargers, I don't know what type of charger this takes, I'm praying it'st he same sort but I doubt it. It will have to be a super phone for me to give up the convienience of being able to charge it easily.
I'm looking forward to spending all tomorrow evening playing with it.