Monday, September 26, 2005

Before Ellen and Dan came round, having cleaned the kitchen while tob was at waitrose. By the time he came back, I'd started on the roast potatoes, he said, can I help with anything? I said, you can do the potatoes and veg while I go out into the garden! I planted the house leaks, re-potted the olive tree, money tree and loads of other re-potting, taking rosemary cuttings, Planted some hollyhock seeds and some oriental poppy seeds from the oriental poppy in Ellen's garden.
The significance of this picture? I've spent the last few hours on the sofa ordering pictures on the boots site for Ellen and Dan and putting the pictures from the wedding onto a dedicated blog site so that mum and michelle etc can see the pictures. I've done 14 -10, and I have 9-1 to go. It's exhausting, one by one blogging them. has to be done!
South park is on now but there was a 2 hour documentary about what would happen to the American economy if a hurricane took out the oil platforms and pipe line off the coast of Texas. Basically, the worst crash since the 30's. It was really quite scary and so possible. America could be facing just that after hurricane Rita. America will continue to guzzle and waste Oil until people in their country, white middle class people start dropping like flies. Then they might just stop drinking the stuff like it was water. The documentary covered a year out from August 2005, lots of chain reactions. Quite depressing though.
Another week starts. And so to bed.

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