Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My pool has arrived. Bbob seems to want to put it together. I have a cold, which better sort itself out soon.
I spent all of £3.50 at a car boot sale on a Barbie 4 seater cabrio (with seatbelts!), touring bike, barbie shoe shop, barbie swimming pool. I've boxed it up along with some outfits I won on ebay for a couple of quid and Maaike's 5th birthday is sorted for Sunday. I've even managed to get a black barbie so I hope she well be happy with a big box of Barbie heaven. I don't think she will mind it all being 2nd hand, if I'd have got this lot new, it would have been more like £100. I've boxed it with loads of streamers so it looks all birthday present like. I'm quite chuffed with myself really.

I would like to start going to the Calling, once Bbob's old enough for a babysitter. I recon there's a couple of other mums I've met who I could drag along too.


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