As of Wednesday he was 9lb's 14oz so still putting on weight well and is 6 weeks old. He's really quite attentive and chirpy at times now, is holding his head up for prolonged periods and enjoys a good bounce - this involves holding him under his arms and dangling him over my lap, he then kicks off with his legs and I launch him in the air as if he can jump like a superhero.
Also as of yesterday, he is up a (disposable) nappy size - I bought the 9lb - 20lb nappies as the 6-11lbs ones are a bit tight now. I have most of a packet to off load onto Sue for her new born in the new year. We only use them at night anyway as we have the reusables in which only come in 2 sizes, size one should be good until he's about 18lbs and then we need the bigger size.
Tob is still off work, the doctor signed him off for the rest of the week or until he stops getting up through the night as well as day with tummy trouble (really bad bug) and a very very sore bum. We went into Cambridge yesterday to get Tob's and my chrimbo present plus a few other bits and pieces for various reasons including Tob has a really snazzy new phone with a 2 mega pixel camera and a Walkman MP3 player. I'm quite jealous but I'm planning on having a good look at what's out there and getting a really nice camera phone when my contract runs out in Feb anyway. Mine was good with 1 mega pixel a year and a half ago. Most of the pics on the blog including this one of Tob and Leon were taken with it. It's pretty good with low light situations.
Leon is really growing fast. I have a couple of boxes of 0-12months clothes I put in the garage back in august out of the stuff we've been given from various sources. The new born stuff will mostly go back on freecycle with a select bag of stuff that we used and like for number two kid (providing it's a boy! About just over half of it is yellow, cream, green or white so not too much of a problem if we did have a girl) I've picked out some stuff that will fit him now plus fished out some nice stuff that might fit Matthew for Sarah - it will come back once he's out grown it anyway and as he's a month and a half ahead of Leon plus being a bigger baby in general.
Yesterday morning I had a dental appointment at 9.30am which is an awkward time feeding wise as Leon usually will get hungry anytime between 9am and 10am so having fed him at 7am, I got up, expressed the next feed while I had my breakfast before going out to said appt. When I got back, Tob had just finished feeding Leon the bottle and was burping him. He said it was lovely to see him guzzle it down. I now have two feeds frozen for emergency/babysitting and intend to take the pump with me to Holland so Miche or Mum can have Leon for a while so we can go off and have some time with each other. It will be good to take advantage of the freedom expressing can give with a bit of organisation.

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