He also had a slice of lemon for the first time. He seemed to like chewing (well, gumming) the rind, and although he made a bit of a 'ooh-that's-sharp' face, he liked the lemon too... he's a strange lad :)
Had a lovely sunday with him, first time I've really 'played' with him (apart from peek-a-boo). He chased me from his room into the bedroom, then I poked my head round the bead and said 'boo!' then pretended to chase him making 'yum-yum-yum' noises all the way back to his bedroom. He loved it, when we sat down (to look behind him) and there I was catching him up he squeeled with delight :)
Back in the bedroom he discovered the full length mirror. He's fasinated with mirrors - he likes the one downstairs and jumps on my shoulders/chest to see himself if we're seated on the settee. He does, I think, understand that the daddy in the mirror isn't me... because he sometimes looks round to see that I'm there. But he tried to touch the baby in the mirror, banging the glass and even licking it to try to understand. Notice that he's standing up, just supporting himself by leaning against the glass!
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