Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Back into the fold

In many ways it's been a week of returning people, Ellen and Dan came back on Sunday evening from their holiday in Russia and came round Monday afternoon baring gifts. Leon was very happy to see them as were they too.
Tuesday the post natal group met up for the first time in ages, most of them I'd not seen other than bumping into in town or at the NCT sale so it was good to catch up too. Beckie, in the photo made baby cake (Annabel Karmel recipe) and it was like feeding time with the ducks, Leon being that duck that always thinks it's his turn. They all loved the cake but Leon's genes really kicked in - father of cake boy and there was no stopping him. Leon started off as one of the smallest babies and is now by far the tallest and appears to be the closest to walking - not that it matters. They will all be lazy and moody by the time they get to about 14. I was very proud though, he's a lively fun boy. Later on we (Ellen, Dan, Tob, Leon and myself) went back to view the house we want to put an offer in on but can't because ours hasn't sold yet. Everyone is in agreement that it's a brilliant house for us. There will be others if this goes nowhere. At least we know there are houses out there where we want to live.

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