Yesterday afternoon, Ellen and Dan brought my little Bam Bam back. We were sitting around, chatting when all of a sudden, Leon took a flying dive into the side of the sofa which unfortunately has a sticky out bit of wood bit which made contact with Leon's Eyebrow leaving a rather nasty, quite deep cut about 12mm long on his right eyebrow. Plus a scratchy bruise on his forehead. He cried as usual and by the time I'd decided the cut looked like it needed a stitch and we'd put him in the car to take him up the minor surgery bit at Ely hospital, he'd stopped crying and was chatty again.
We got the third degree at the hospital first to make sure we weren't battering our child, who also had a bruise on his cheek from his last tumble on Sunday at Nana and Grumps. After that is was a case of a list of what to watch for if he develops concussion which was luckily followed up with a leaflet. She did the usual checks and he was pretty much normal so it was so far so good, just needing something for his eyebrow.
I had to hold him on my lap while she injected some kind of glue into the cut to hold it together then she put some butterfly stitches (sticky strips) to hold it in place. The hardest part will be keeping it dry - the simplest thing is no baths for a few days - I'll top and tail him until the strips fall off and it's well on the way to being healed. Last night from bed time onwards I had to wake him up every hour or so to make sure he was asleep and not unconscious - something to do with making sure concussion hasn't set in later. He was fine, then after we went to bed, I set my alarm and woke him about 3.30am, gave him a bottle - he seemed fine. Once he was awake, he took a while to go back to sleep, I left him to it and could hear him playing with his 'people' in his cot for a good while before it went quiet again. The nurse did say to have him in our room for two nights but I think the upheaval would be worse and we sleep with both doors open and I can hear every cough and burp anyway. I'll do the same tonight - wake him up for a feed in the night.
I have a feeling I will be spending more time in casualty with this young man, I hope I manage to avoid any spells in hospital like my parents had to do with me tipping a teapot over me at 2 and a bit. I'm going to come up with someway of covering the sticky out bits of wood by wrapping them in something.
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