Monday, June 30, 2008

A week later

It's Monday evening, Reuben is a week old, feeding well, chubbing out nicely and looking around at the world. Leon seems pretty chilled about Reuben, he does have his Dad on tap 24 hours a day so this isn't how it will be once Toby is back to work but at least for a few weeks, I have a chance to work out how to juggle the two of them.
I've just finished my week's worth of anti biotics and I'm healing really well. I'm planning on walking into town with the two of them on Wednesday. I think I'm up to it now. Today and yesterday we walked up past the hospital to the American playground with Leon, it's only a 10 minute walk there, but I think it showed me that I'm pretty much OK to walk further. Worst case scenario I get Toby to give me a lift home.
Night time is still difficult, Reuben doesn't like sleeping in the moses basket and won't settle in it even if I feed him to sleep, he soon wakes up and becomes restless and wriggly. His favorite place to sleep is on the Futon, last night after an hour trying to get him to settle in the moses basket, I put him on Toby's side of the bed. Toby came to bed and he reluctantly went and slept in the spare room on the sofa futon. I felt really guilty but was so tired I couldn't see any other way round it. By morning, Toby said it was wonderful to get a decent night's sleep instead of the last weeks worth of broken sleep with me feeding Reuben through the night. At least he's getting that block of sleep as he's up at 6am with Leon. I catch up by sleeping in until about 9am with Reuben who seems to like the lie in too.
We are considering getting a rocking crib to see if he'll settle in that next to us. Melissa is bringing her cot the end of August, I can't see us with Reuben either in our bed or a moses basket that long and if we find one either on Freecycle or buy one, we can always sell it at the next NCT sale in September.

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