Well, I didn't get the job, as predicted the letter arrived Saturday morning saying I didn't make it. I am gutted, however, I didn't think the interview went well so if I can improve that side of things then all the better. If I'd have thought it was a great interview it might have been worse. I said some really stupid things, I turned into Caroline Quentin in some embarrassing sit com. Things like when asked how would I deal with situations like if customers started argueing instead of saying something sensible like I would deal with the situation calmly and professionally and if need be call the police, I said. Well I'm a big lass and I've stopped a few bar fights in my time. What on earth was I thinking???
Anyway, keep trying.
Reuben is a proper pain in the ankles at the moment, in a good way and he's into everything, climbing up to standing on anything that will (almost) hold his weight. The funny thing is, he uses not only his arms and hands to pull himself up but his mouth too.
It's a lovely day and I plan to get all the sheets done as the forecast is dry and windy.
I the picture Reuben is standing up and holding on with one hand while eating a rusk. Show off!
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