Friday, August 13, 2010

Today's harvest on this glorious wet friday

All blurry today, Leon is doing marvelously on day 5 of no nappies. I'm still reminding him to use the potty but it's all systems go, he's finally given in to it and cooperating. It's amazing the difference in him.
Picture here of all the hover flies on the sunflowers.
I have been a bit distracted from the garden this last few days with potty training which tends to involve not moving very much and if we do military style organisation. I was surprised to find a monster courgette quite so large as I do go out most days and see how they are getting on and pick them as they get just big enough so we don't end up with monsters like this :)
I must say I'm not impressed with one pan of spuds for the expense of a bag of compost, the growing bag and all that feeding, tending and watering. The potatoes were delicious but I do need to look at ways to up the productivity. The toms are starting to ripen, I get a few a day which is just nice :)
And, how could I forget, the first spikey cucumber!!!! There are another 2 that are just days away too.

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