His gums seem to be quite swollen and it's putting him in a bad mood quite alot. Cold teethers help but he's chewing anything and everything he can get his hands on. Ironically he doesn't have much appetite though. He's eating OK but considering now he's crawling everywhere he must be burning up energy, if anything, he's eating slightly less lately. He is really into his milk feeds and breast though, so maybe that's it. He's very clingy so it might be part of that, a kind of mini regression to be close to me. I'm making an effort to play with him more and stay in the same room with him. Before, he could be in the playpen playing and me in the kitchen and at least for a while, he'd be happy. Not anymore, he wants to see me and preferably be climbing all over me, pulling my hair and chewing something (preferably my phone).
I humoured him this morning and due to a red bum (probably teething too) he went nappy free most of the morning. I let him sleep on my lap, wrapped in nothing but a towel, while we dozed together. It was really nice and I could tell that Leon appreciated the intimacy. I'm trying 'object permanence' games like hide the teddy but he's not getting it yet. I'm doing hide mummy or hide Leon which he finds funny - under a muslin or a sheet. His hand eye coordination is pretty good, and he's getting the hang of how books work. He finds all the bobbly, furry etc bits in the books straight away, he even talks to some of the furry bits! He's just woken up from his midday sleep (a good, long one) and so far he's in a good mood, surrounded by toys on the floor. I think I'll go and play for a bit.
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