So, bit of a lie in, then 11am we go to the viewing. It's lovely, ticks all the boxes, and is close to the station. We had my parents on standby outside (with Leon) so we got them in to get a 2nd opinion - "good". We offer the asking price, and the lady is completely shocked - we're the first people to see it and we make an offer just like that!
Only sticking point, she's obviously not too impressed that ours isn't on the market yet (even though I'd planned to instruct on on-line estate agent that day). We went to her estate agent to put in our offer, and talking about it, realised that if we put it on with *them* then they could let the vendor know it was on the market, thus removing her reservation...
This was 12o/c. If they came at 3pm, our house could be on their website the same day, and rightmove the next.
Three hours. To completely make over our house. Ok!
Christine attacked the kitchen, and I did the rest of the house - sweeping the front garden, washing windows, shoveling books and papers into boxes, hoovering, making the bed, hiding toys, ferrying boxes that Christine had filled to the garage... I was a whirlwind! And the kitchen... well when Mum saw it later she nearly fainted, it looked so empty and sparkling :)
Saturday morning, I checked rightmove - it's already online! But for us, it was a trip to the beach! Good fun, Leon's first beach trip. He was a bit shell shocked with all the new things to look at, and all the people, but I took him down to the water's edge - he seemed fascinated, but not happy when I sploshed his feet in a pool of cold water! Just to think... next year he'll be running around!
At the beach we got a text from Mum - We've got viewings Sunday 11.30am, Monday 6.30 and Wed 6.30!!!!!
Left the beach early (~3pm) to get back to Ely to hand Leon over to my parents (who'll have him overnight for the first time!), pick up Don, and head off to a Blondie Concert in Thetford Forrest. Good stuff, built up slowly, but all the hits, with encore of Denis and Heart of Glass.
Sunday morning, quick clean up, turf Don and Christine out, and I showed a nice couple round the house. They liked it, but I think they thought the front room was too small. Bit short notice to change everything round for Monday night viewing, but we're thinking of changing our big bed for a smaller one, and maybe rearranging the wardrobes...
Might have been able to do something Sunday afternoon, except that we'd decided it was a good opportunity for Don and I to see Leon swimming! He's a little water baby - he likes "swimming" between people (ie a bit of a push, 2 seconds underwater and a pick up and cuddle).
And to cap off the weekend, we'd booked tickets for the latest Harry Potter! Pretty good - had to be quite abridged because the book is sooo long, but it was fun and dark :)
Came into work today for a rest ;)
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