Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Thomas is a cheeky engine

It seems fitting/ironic that the one toy that causes the most arguments is the wooden railway. Thomas stories are full of tales of learning lessons in life like getting on with people and learning to not behave like a complete arse to your fellow human beings. In our house it is the source of the most animosity between the boys as they steal each other's trains and argue about track rights. I make separate tracks for each of them but I turn my back and Percy is suddenly in Tidmouth sheds with Leon when a minute ago he was chuffing along with Rosie and Reuben. Reuben retaliates by stealing James, then it all kicks off as Leon chases Reuben round the room and Reuben hangs on to James for dear life and Leon tries in vain to get it back while throwing a hissy fit. My only real course of action is to say right, the railway goes away - I warn Leon when it goes out, any arguing and screaming and the railway goes away. Some days it works and the rail way is out from dawn until dusk, other days, like today it barely made dawn.

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