Sunday, July 30, 2006

Kinky Boots 4.5 stars! excellent.

Fabulous film, very enjoyable and watchable. Thursday night, while mum was here, I suggested we watch it. We all loved it. It's about a shoe factory in Northampton that in order to survive finds a niche market in making tranny boots and shoes. It's a true story which always appeals, as life is often better than fiction.
Well worth seeing. Posted by Picasa
Wednesday, Mum arrived fresh off the boat. We had a great couple of days, chatting, drinking tea, pottering round Ely and on Friday a girls day out with Ellen to Thetford followed by dinner in the garden round at Ellen and Dan's. Mum drove up to Scotland early Saturday Morning and will be back in a week and a half to stay for the anniversary weekend to be joined for the weekend by John.
Saturday Terri, Sean and their 15 month old, Stevie came round for the day from Newark. We had a lazy lunch, went to the park for some turbo crawling (Stevie isn't walking yet but has a turbo crawl) which took a couple of layers off his knees and top's of his feet. Then we watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory while Tob cooked a delish lamb curry. Yum. They brought us a couple of bags of quality baby clothes, a moses basket, baby harness, car seat and a bouncer (which we turned down as we already have 2). Amazing and very much appreciated.
We laid in bed until nearly midday then after clearing up, my phone went with a text from Sarah, I managed to bugger up getting a Pork roast with Sarah who is an excellent cook by not checking my phone. I'm kicking myself as I was thinking of finding out what she was up to, not to mention talk bumps.
Not wanting to miss an opportunity to talk bumps with someone, I texted Sue who invited us round for a cuppa across the road. I had a good feel of her tots bots that happened to be drying on the radiator and a good natter.

I'm semi watching Tribe, I think I missed the last ever Top of the Pops, there is a special later though. Billybob is kicking and I have acid, probably due to the half chocolate orange I pigged while watching Buffy earlier.

On the baby equipment front, we now have 2 Moses baskets, 2 baby baths, two stands that fit both, a from birth car seat, enough clothes for the first 12 months for twins including cardis galore, booties, hats, socks and mittens, hooded towels, 30 prefolds (I intend not to use as nappies but as washable puke and pee catchers), high chair, 2 front baby carriers/harness thingy, baby phone, microwave steriliser, expressed milk/weaning containers for freezing, blankets and sheets of various shapes and sizes, 2 floor bouncers, a cradle (made by Dad for Maaike), and the only things we've paid for - a second hand push chair and a feeding rocker chair. I'm sure I've missed a couple of things. Having 2 of a few things will be handy for leaving some things at Ellen and Dan's as I'm sure we will go round there alot and to be able to put him in the moses basket there will be dead handy, not to mention bathe him.
Mum was really stuck for what to buy us as a pressie, a changing mat! was all I could come up with. Mind you, we still need to buy reusable nappies which will be about £200 but compared to a couple of years of disposables, this is worth paying for up front.
Dad was going to get me the car seat but we even have that now so I think I will ask for a digi radio for the baby room so I can listen to 6 music documentaries, bbc 7 and radio 4 during the night while feeding BillyBob. So anyone who thinks having a baby is expensive, try being open to what ever your friends have going plus subscribe to freecycle and blessed you shall be.
So far, at 28 weeks gone, my uterus is on the line at 27cm, my blood pressure is 120 over 70 and my boobs are already leaking so apart from a bit of a puffy ankle thing it seems to be going fine. May it continue to be boring and straight forward, we like this very much.
BBob wakes me up very early kicking and pogoing, so I wake up Tob so he can feel the kicking, mostly he just says 'I'm asleep' and goes back to sleep. Pah!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Pride and Prejudice 2005 - 3 stars, not bad

Not as gripping as the Colin Firth version. Not bad though, it's a great story and they did stick well to the story, even if they had to condense it even more than the telly version. They didn't do what I feared they would and stick kissing in it to satisfy 21st century film goers. It was very 19th century, not that I'm an expert. Not bad. Posted by Picasa
A weekend at home for a change. Well timed with the farmers market. Having been busy and away for god knows how many weekends, this one was a weekend of cleaning the house from top to toe, weeding the garden, cutting the grass and restocking the fridge etc.
Saturday morning spent with me doing upstairs and Tob doing downstairs, corner to corner. After lunch down the market and waitrose. Back in time to rush in the washing while the mother of all thunderstorms filled the garden with 2 inches of rain puddle. The black rubbish sack out the back door, the door mat and a pot plant I put out to give a bit of rain started floating. When it finally slowed down I went out, paddling ankle deep to tidy up the aftermath. The water soon drained away thankfully.
I watched a film, Pride and Predudice 2005. Not bad. Still like the Colin Firth version better. While tob played Wow, leveling madly. Introducing me to his pet wolves.
Sunday, up early to do the lawn and weeding. Perfect after the rain. We filled 4 green sacks and the composter with weeds and grass. After a prolonged kitchen clean due to strawberry melt down in the fridge which meant a total fridge clean, I retired to bed for an hour before Melissa, Rudi, Amelia and Phillipa arrived.
They came armed with a bouncer, moses basket, baby bath, stand that fits both bath and basket, loads of new born clothes, a present - a grow bag (great present) and bedding for the moses basket. Excellent stuff. I can see a sort out of clothes coming on, we have so much and I will need to get it sorted into when I'll need them and wash them as needed.
We had a fabulous afternoon with Melissa, Rudi and their two girls Amelia (2 1/2 ish I think she's 3 in September) and Phillipa (6months). Melissa shared with me how she's doing and I tried to absorb as much good mum stuff as I could. Between, Melissa, Sue over the road and Sarah the Goth, I've got some good examples of sensible, well sorted parenting skills they've developed since giving birth.
I cooked the Ostrich Sausages, tatty salad from fresh new potatos dug up only yesterday from Dan's veg patch, salad, roast fennel and roast mushrooms which went down a treat followed by raspberry jelly with raspberries and icecream.
I think it was a very good weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing me Mum on Wednesday too.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Hottest Day Ever!!!!

Well if you read the bbc website this seems to be the case. I've been comfortably working in aircon all day, I'm coping OK mostly and drinking as much as I can.
Could it be global warming? it seems to be knocking people out like flies and I certainly don't envy anyone in this weather trying to keep a new born baby cool.
My new Palm 505 is brilliant, tobe is really jelous and intends to buy a 515 or something else slightly better just to make himself feel good again. For now I can be smug as it will take him an age to work out what he wants.

The weekend went well. Well, Friday was worse than I thought as the conversation in the pub never strayed from elves, WOWcrack plans, stupid debates on what add ons are in fact cheating etc. Then Sophie and got a taxi home and had a really lovely chat over tea and wholemeal muffins about this and that. Saturday started with a magnificent breakfast at the hands of Sophie with a small amount of assistance from yours truly.
We had a lovely time at Dad's, eating in pub gardens and watching Company of Wolves Saturday night. A successful weekend really.
Another hot day tomorrow, and so to bed to lie beached with a wet flannel, and I'm not referring to my husband there...

Friday, July 14, 2006

Ahh the buzzz

It's quite a buzz I get when I win something on Ebay, this is usually why I usually just put in a Maximum bid and come back after it's done. I hung in there with this one, refreshing the last few seconds, heartbeat racing.
My Palm died today having been resuscitated on numerous occasions. I'm fed up with it now, I got it free with a mobile phone in about 2000 so I can't complain. Now I have won a M505 with 8Mb (6mb more than my old one)for £32 incl postage and all the bits that go with it. With any luck tobe is clever enough to download all my backed up stuff on the PC from the old one onto this one. When I told him I detected a hint of jealousy, he has a Vx. I think he might upgrade when he starts playing with this one.
It's been a quick week, highlights being going to Pirates 2 dressed as a pirate (well OK a wench with a duck), being given a big bag of baby clothes including a new born sleep suit with ROO in big letters (my nick name my Dad calls me). We now have more than enough 0-3 months clothes for BillyBob. Then last night we caught up on the Doctor Who double series finale. Fantastic.
Billybob is really really active. If I lie on my back it's like watching this thing trying to escape...luckily I'm not freaked out, I actually find it quite entertaining at this stage (25 weeks).
Tonight we are off to London for a night out with Tobe's gaming WoWcrack (yawn) freak friends and staying in their enormous Victorian town house in Finsbury. Then west tomorrow to Newbury to see me Dad for the weekend.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Beach American football and the end

And we ended the day chucking an American football around:
I called it a day at this point :)

We took Joe and Jodie home to Islington, back to Ely late (traffic jam on the 406 again... happens every year). At least it gave us an excuse for our exceedingly long lie in this morning :)

Another fab day - thanks Penguin! Posted by Picasa

Beach paparazzi, swimmers, seagulls, the crowd

The paparazzi:
Foolish Brave swimmers:
Playing hit-a-seagull Feeding the seagulls: two even caught chunks of bread in mid-flight!
The crowd:
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Beach, the arrival, BBQ, massage parlour!

We went to the beach yesterday, our yearly sun & sand outing organised by Penguin. Twice as many this year (around 30!). We picked up Anne and Andy from Leyton on the way down, with relatively little hassle, then picked up our beach CD and headed down in convoy.

The arrival:

The massage parlour!
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Once in place the Gazebo was fabulous with it's palm trees and was eventually set up as a Massage studio thanks to Penguin's portable massage table and Emma's expert hands. I had a fabulous Head, face, neck and shoulder massage. Posted by Picasa
The BBQ was expertly prepared and executed. Posted by Picasa
They even made great friends. Posted by Picasa
They came in very useful. Posted by Picasa
The palm trees are the latest addition to to Beach experience. Posted by Picasa
Gazebo going up and Flick carbo loading for Sunday's 5km run. Posted by Picasa
Gazebo being prepared... Posted by Picasa
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BBQ banter Posted by Picasa
Penguin eyeing up the beach for more footie. Posted by Picasa
Fabulous bbq food
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The Beach 2006

Well this isn't some Media fest sports event, well maybe it is. This was the Beach 06 footie! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Our last meal in Italy - Calzone! Posted by Picasa
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Urbino Grafiti Posted by Picasa
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