Friday, June 09, 2006

20 week scan

Christine and I went for her 20 week scan this morning. It was very thorough, taking about 30 min. Everything seems to be in order - heart, limbs, fingers etc, and they took measurements of head and torso diameters, leg length etc.

And... we found out it's a boy!

We asked for a couple of pictures, but they're not very clear unfortunately - this one's the best: our little pumpkin sucking his thumb. His head's on the right, looking up.

It was again very emotional, but in the hospital neither of us really let it show - I had to park up afterwards so we could have a hug and let it all out. Every time we have a scan it really brings it home to me that I'm going to be a dad. It's awe-inspiring and terifying and hugely joyfull and loving. Posted by Picasa

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