Monday, October 24, 2005

Yat Ka!

We cancelled rowing, drove home from Ealing to Ely and went to bed for a couple of hours. It was good to have a good cuddle...
Then the highlight of the month, a night with Yat Ka. I heard them on Phil Jupitus and think they are great! It's mongolian deep base singing, punk rock and world rock and roll. The Support act was also amazing, Baba Luck, a ragga ranting Indian Londoner. Very funny and inspiring. When I heard Yat Ka's version of Love will tear us apart and heard it in a completly different way. Rather than a love song where live tears two people apart, I heard it it as love tears us apart, that day to day this goes on and it's the up and down of love, it wouldn't be love if it didn't tear us apart.
The russian drummer was incredible, the rasta bass player on his 5 string fretless bass a true musician. The other chinese/mongolian looking singer playing a traditional 2 stringed violin thing was incredible too. He too could do the throat singing but not as double bass like Yat Ka. Yat's voice was as deep as the lowest bass string. Live, his voice is unbelievable it is so deep. just incredible.
It was a fabulous, Tob had a great time as did I. The only down side was that there was nowhere to dance. We bought a CD from both artists and drove home again. Fab evening all round. Posted by Picasa

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