Wednesday, March 01, 2006

6 weeks Pregnant

This is what it says on the bbc personalised calendar for today:
Depressions in the outline of the fetus start to form – they will become the chest and abdominal cavity, ready to develop internal organs. The digestive system starts forming, beginning with the first cells of the stomach and the intestine.

I've found some Fudges Marmite biscuits that are fabulous for munching at work with a pleasing picture of a jar or marmite on the cardboard box. Yum.
I just changed the water bottle on the cooler, I don't think I'll be doing that again for a long while. I'm used to being strong and able to do stuff like that. I going to plead girly stuff next time.
Had a very good girly chat with Sarah who is 12 weeks gone on her second last night, got some good book recommendations as well as lots of good insights into the new world of the P word I'm entering rapidly, hopefully with no turning back.I've discovered that Ovaltine contains Folic acid as well as other good things, it was advertised in one of my mum mags as good for this type of thing and this morning, instead of a good strong coffee, I had ovaltine in my tin mug for the car journey. It was fabulous. I've just realised there might be some sort of connection marketing wise as when you put ovaltine through the spell check, it picks ovulation...
Not as tired today, I definitely have a worse sugar drop from potatoes than from bread, which is wired really, plus potatoes now turn me in to a whoopie cushion.

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