Saturday, September 24, 2005

What the bleep to we know - 4 stars

Very thought provoking. It does use very similar theoretical information to Landmark with a few actual 'scientific' bits about the workings of the brain. It goes into quantum physics for non physicians like me and I understand that fundementally it says that we create our world in our heads not the other way round. Another interesting part is how when you learn to experience emotions, we become addicted to them and the chemicals released - loss, heart break, triumph, love, fear, pain, longing etc and our brains find ways to recreate the emotions to get it's fix hense explaining why we seem to repeat the same relationships that don't work. I leant it to Dad too, he found it very interesting too. I can see how through Landmark I've re-mapped parts of my brain away from lonely, unloveable, invisible christine to sexy energetic and fulfilled christine. Makes sense. Posted by Picasa

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