Wednesday, April 05, 2006

11 weeks - not as sick, still knakkered.

This is what's happening right now in my tum;
The fetus actually looks like a small baby human now. Eyes and ears are completely formed, inside and out. Extend your little finger. That's about the size of the fetus at this time. The weight is approximately 10 grams, or about a third of an ounce.

I still don't have my appointment for a scan, I have to ring the hospital tomorrow. My midwife's phone hasn't been working for a day and a half now. I'll try tomorrow...
Chantal in Holland told me that all the scans we have to pay for over here are standard and free in Holland and that pregnant women get an extra 30mins break at work every day too. I'd regret moving back but I wouldn't have met Toby (ahhhhh).

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