Saturday, April 01, 2006

I heart huckabees 4.5 stars out of 5 (even with Jude Law)

I watched this last night and it's hilarious, especially if you have any interest in philosophy or have done any crazy self improvement courses. Jude law has the worst American accent for a brit I've ever heard but every one else was excellent. There are so many bits that if you've done any thing like Landmark it will really crack you up. It reminded us both of Fight Club, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Magnolia in that it is about the empty and meaningless, the brutality, connectedness and that you are everything you could possibly aspire to right now, I am, you are alright I think it takes alot of creativity and insight to take the mick so well out of existentialism and philosophy, it also makes great entertainment. Posted by Picasa

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