Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Foot in mouth, no really.

Another milestone of sorts, today he put his foot in his mouth, not just a bit but for the duration of his bath more or less. Then when I got the camera he was more interested in laughing but after a massage he obliged me this shot.
The other picture I took because he really loves to look out into the garden - when the weather allows I put him in the garden but the last day or so were perishing again so he sits in his high chair looking out into the garden, I'm not sure if it's the trees or what but he seems happy for ages. He had breakfast (apple puree) and lunch for the first time (carrot and breast milk) today - 2 meals. I will do this for a week then up it to 3 meals. With any luck we can drop the 11pm feed then.
Tob's out with work for drinks tonight so it's pizza for one and a DVD for me I think. His new 6-18 month grobags arrived today, they are summer ones too. His room is south west facing, even with the curtains shut, with the setting sun, his room barely goes under 20 degrees once the outside temperature is above 15 during the day.

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