Monday, August 13, 2007

2nd anniversary

Yesterday was our 2nd wedding anniversary! We took Leon round to M&Ds around lunchtime, and they took this shot of us. 5 minutes later, they'd printed it out, framed it, and given it to us as a pressie :)

M&D had Leon for 24h, the longest ever yet... (mid-day to mid-day... and then some) so we could have an evening out and a lie in. It was a lovely balmy evening - we went to Versity in Cambridge, a Cypriot restaurant where we had a very nice mezze with some rosé. Sitting by the window, watching the world go past, playing 'guess the degree' (ah, spotty geek... must be computing), it was a lovely evening (and M&D paid - thank you very much!)

And afterwards we went to see The Waitress, a perfect film - it had everything, love, a baby, and lots and lots of pie...

Today we've been trying to get packed for our fortnight in Holland... the floor's strewn with bags, and we have boxes and boxes of food and toys for Leon :)

Leon can tell there's something up - this evening he was wide-eyed and giggling. I had to go up and see what was up when both L and C were howling with laughter. C was packing L's bag, he was looking on from the cot (dressed in white, what a cutie) and they were both just laughing like mad. Of course when I put my head round the corner and said 'peekaboo' and got a laugh from L, I had to join in :)

Just now, with all the bags packed, and just rounding up the last few bits (I have a list, of course... passport, books, sandwiches etc) I had a lovely feeling of contentment. I was taken back to when, as a kid, I was excited the evening before a holiday, and it was suddenly gratifying to be the parent making it happen, doing the preparation the night before, looking forward to just having fun with my boy. I'm moved by it all, I'm really looking forward to it :)


Karohemd said...

Glad you liked the Varsity!
- Ozzy

Adam said...

Oh my goodness. Has it really been two years since the wedding?

That's pretty frightening…

Hope you three have a great break!