Saturday, August 04, 2007

Wicken Fen with the Wolfs

Melissa, Rudi with their two girls, Amelia and Phillipa came round today for the day. We set off for Wicken Fen just before midday loaded up with a picnic, found a nice spot next to the visitors centre with benches and parasols for a fantastic joint effort spread including sarnies, dips, wine, chocolate cake and coffee. We then packed the washing up in the car and did a walk round Wicken Fen. We had sizzling hot unbroken blue skies, not ideal with kids but we were well prepared. Leon was happy in his back carrier/pushchair which doubled as high chair for the picnic and a good shady sleep while we walked round.

We came back to ours late afternoon for more coffee and cake and to give the kids their tea. Fortunatley we have plenty of shade in our little garden which was a blessing. A good day was had by all.

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