Saturday, October 28, 2006

Still comfy...

I did wonder if he'd be a Halloween baby when we heard the due date was the end of october. There's plenty of time and he'll come when he's good and ready. I did eat lots of cabbage last night in the hope he didn't like cabbage! I get small contractions and period like pains lower down - I wonder whether I'm in the latent stage and it's just likely to be long and slow, some latent stages take up to three days. They say if you are lucky you can sleep through the milder contractions and it might be anytime that I hit the 'active labour' stage where I'll need the pool to get from 6cm to 10cm dilated for pain relief. It's possible because I'm home and feel safe and relaxed that this early bit will be not too traumatic or tiring. I've been riding the pain, telling myself it's a good pain and that my cervix is slowly enlarging. When I get the breathless feeling as it contracts, I breath like I'm cycling quite fast but not up hill and that helps; suddenly it I notice it's gone a way and I'm breathing normally again.

Off to the shops for a good walk and plenty more yummy food.

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