Sunday, February 25, 2007

Fame at last

Leon has taken pride of place on the The Nappy Lady website.

This website provided me with all the sensible nappy advice that enabled me to purchase the wonderful Tots Bots that are currently soaking up Leon's poo and wee every day.
Who needs disposables - these have elasticated waists and legs, velcro fastenings and are very absorbant and comfy. Leon will also be featuring in next months Mother and Baby Magazine in the very same picture for the same reason. I'm joining the Cambridgeshire Real Nappy Network so I can go on even more about the vertues of not filling landfill sites with raw sewage and space age technology that takes 500 years to break down.
Oh and based on 8 nappies a day at 15p a huggy/pampers nappy, for one year, that's £438 for the year. The nappies will have cost me about £500 quid to kit out until he's potty trained and just Leon alone would cost me over a grand in disposables. So if we have any more kids, that saves us well over a grand in bottom atire for about 15 minutes a day to bung them in the wash and hang them up! They only need a 30 degree wash so it's not likely to cost us much extra in water and electricity - we will see how much this adds to the bills, I will update when we get the next bill.

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