Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I got Leon weighed today, he's a week behind his normal growth thanks to the tummy bug he's had for the past week or so. It was hard to know what to do, he was quite happy, peeing across the room as normal (got me or Tobe at some point every day) so not dehydrated, eating loads, just very runny dark green poo - that didn't smell either, the smell being also a clue to a bug. The other clue was that he was pooing every change and needed feeding twice in the night - he would be starving. I took him to the doctors and he just said come back if he's not better in week (or if symptons worsen).
It's clearing up now and he's back down to his 11pm feed then sleeps through to 6-7am hurrah!
I felt so horrible this morning when I weighed him and he was still under 13lbs - he's now 12lbs 12oz or 5.78kg, only 10 1/2 oz more than 3 weeks ago. I was gutted.
He is still putting on weight and considering the changes in his behaviour - discovered his tongue, becoming more vocal and chatty, hand eye coordination coming on, and signs of teething - white gums, my hand becoming a teething chew - He's changed alot in 3 weeks.
Well.... this is why parents are obsessed with poo!

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