Monday, July 30, 2007

he loves to chew

We went to my parents for lunch yesterday - they'd found my old christening teether, silver and ivory, which Leon eagerly had a chew on. He also tucked into a lolly (mostly water with a touch of fruit juice). He loved it! At one point I tried to show him how to eat the side by holding on with both hands, and he thought I was going to take it away - he kinda growled at me 'geeet offf'...

He's almost got crawling down pat. Basically in 10 days he's gone from throwing himself in the direction he wants to go in, to being able, from siting, to crawl wherever he wants. Plus, he can raise himself up to standing if he's got something to hold onto. He's not quite got the hang of moving from one object to another, but he'll walk, pretty quickly sometimes' if you hold both his hands.

Still, he's not got everything yet... we were at Hanna's, and he wormed backwards under a coffee table - right under! Then we heard a little cry - he couldn't pick himself up enough to crawl forwards again - I had to kinda pull him out gently :)

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