Tuesday, July 17, 2007


That was quite a weekend, as Toby described. I'm knackered, it only really stopped yesterday evening. I had a lovely day with my Dad yesterday which involved much walking - round Ely, down to the Station, Tescos and back up and home so today I think I'm going to stay at home and chill in the garden.

Leon is travelling very well now. He's on the floor as I write exploring the living room, well the quinny pushchair at the moment. I'm sure he's found the bit with the most germs. Ah no, he's turned 180 degrees, no 270 degrees, up on hands and knees looking for... back to the pushchair wheel. I've diverted him with a small football which he's now showing much affection for.

The house we saw on Friday that we fell in love with has gone, I rang today to find out and they must have accepted the offer from someone who wasn't yet to sell like us. I hope we don't take too long to sell, at least I'm not pregnant so there's not too much of a time constraint yet.

We will just have to keep our eyes open for something similar. It was sooo nice and 7 mins from Ely station. I'm gutted the timing wasn't right.

Leon's still playing with the ball but he's now about a meter from where he was when I gave it to him. He's using the tag on the ball to whack the floor with it.

Yesterday I bought him his first shoes. He's now 'cruising' a dubious word that means using people and furniture to walk from place to place. His feet were filthy and I've yet to be able to have him keep socks and his baby shoes on him for more than a few minutes. The shoes I got (see photo) are soft leather and designed for cruising. He's a size 3 which apparently means he has very long feet - they don't say big feet nowadays (yawn).

Oh, back up on all fours, panting, over to the play pen, back on belly. What's that fascinating thing on the back of his hand, I think it's his knuckle, or maybe his wrist, what ever it is it's very interesting. Not anymore, now it's the tufty bits in the rug. It's hard work being a baby.

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