Monday, October 22, 2007

The Baby Show

Hannah and I took advantage of our BabyGROE Ambassador free tickets for The Baby Show at Earls Court yesterday. We left about 10am and made good progress in Hannah's little car with Leon and Sebastian in the back until we got to the North Circular. It was so funny, both of them had been asleep most of the way but Leon woke up as we hit the slow traffic and started pointing at cars and lorries and saying 'Car' etc then Seb woke up and started crying which set Leon off. Leon started crying like the world had just ended; snot, tears snivels you name it, just because Seb was crying. So we started singing nursery rhymes which worked, we'd have quiet for a bit and then they'd start up again. It was a bit noisy but I couldn't help finding it funny even though Leon was in bits!
The Baby Show was, as to be expected a consumer's dream for parents, most of which we weren't bothered about. We weeded out some possible suppliers for Hannah's baby boutique which is doing very nicely in Bury. She's had a long first week working very long days but it's coming together nicely. Hannah's planning on paying someone to work there once it's properly set up and then she'll get back some time with Seb who's quite clingy at the mo as he doesn't see his mum as much as he'd like.
The place was soooo hot, by about mid afternoon I felt like I'd been wearing the same clothes for about a week. I managed to find some Shosho booties for Leon for £8 when in Ely they cost £20. They are leather slippers for pre-walkers but they also make great indoor slippers now the weather is colder. I saw some new reusable nappies just on the market which I can tell people about in my nappy talks, which was partly why I wanted to go.
Leon had a full on day and was totally wired by the end of the afternoon. He enjoyed the Fairy non-bio ball pit while we had a welcome break. We left about 6pm and within about 5 minutes of getting in the car they were spark out all the way home.
Hannah and I had a reasonably good journey back and it was a really nice opportunity to chat and get to know each other better. We talked about our families and our aspirations etc. I was curious whether she would still want to do a shop in Ely as she has the one in Bury now and they are moving back to Bury to lessen the commute. She definitely does want to do multiple other shops, before having the chance to talk with her yesterday, I was under the impression she would be working at the one in Bury full time but she's planning on employing someone to do that which is smart and also means she can go back to seeing more of Sebastien again. I would have to spend the early part of next year working intensively on the shop in Ely with her but then I would then go part time with someone else who would work there and I'd manage it which would be doable for me. This was really nice to know and get sorted in our heads.

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