Friday, October 19, 2007

Baby's can be a good laugh

Leon is certainly a character. I'm glad we can have such a laugh together. He is starting to understand what I say and knows what 'upstairs' means - he will stand at the bottom of the stairs, and the same with 'downstairs' (providing he's not going through our sock drawer, in which case it takes a little more persuasion). He knows what 'no' is but is choosing more and more frequently to look at me and smile and go back to whatever it was I told him not to do. When I read the dragons book if I say 'point to the dragon' he will. Even if I point to a number of other dragons first, he will point to any dragon rather than one I've pointed to. We laugh a lot, especially last thing before bed, funnily enough. Even though he's tired, after his bottle, part of the hug part has become a laughing time where he sits on my lap and we both move from side to side in opposite directions Egyptian stylie. He finds this hilarious. He tries to grab my glasses and I move my head out of his reach, also hilarious. He sticks his whole hand in my mouth and if I pretend to bite it, hilarious and so on. After a while I give him a big cuddle and put him in the cot with his 'people' he turns over and finds someone to cuddle. I go off and do the nappy bucket routine, come back one last time before taking the washing down for a last kiss by which time he's well on the way to being asleep. Most nights now he doesn't even cry once and then that's it through until 6-7am. There might be the odd teething night where he might need a cuddle or a bottle but he's pretty much straight through now every night. I wonder how bad this means no.2 child has to be :)
Today on the way back from Sarah and Leah's I was holding his hand as I pushed the pram and tickling his palm, you've guessed it, hilarious. At one point the pavement was wide and straight enough for me to walk along side the pushchair and pull it along by holding his hand. The smiles were just the best.
Sarah has a ball pit set up for Leah and Leon was really into it so I'm going to turn his play pen into a ball pit.

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