Saturday, September 23, 2006

Home Birth?

We just had the 2nd half of the antinatal classes which covered homebirths. I was initially not keen, partly because we are a half and hour to an hour depending on the traffic from the hospital and partly I wasn't keen on the idea of a birthing pool at home.
Well that's all changed now and we are looking at birthing pools, aromatherapy and who knows what else will crop up.
I'm actually quite relieved, my biggest fear seems to be more along the lines of being in hospital and railroaded into having stuff done I don't want.
Having had Sarah the Goth round on Friday with her beautiful bundle of newborn boy, her sharing her homebirth experience has made me feel better about it too. It was good to see her anyway, as it had been a while and I was glad I was able to off load some of the abundance of new born boys clothes we've been given - I still have enough for at least 2 or 3, maybe more!
I'm actually looking forward to the birth a bit more now, without the hospital bit (unless of course it all goes pearshaped - the bags are packed anyway).

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