Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Midwife's just left, she's fab!I told her the plan and she's well up for it. She said lots of homebirths happen in Ely and she hopes she'll be on call for mine. We went through where the pool will be, what I need to put in place and what here role will be. Sounds like they are pretty hands off and will do whatever we say. She also went through the types of things, like baby passing muconium early on which might mean I'd need to go into hospital - some of the situations Tob could drive me in, if there were emergency circumstances, there are Ambulances in Ely so that minimises the wait.I'm so excited! she wasn't at all phased, she said I right for a home birth and that I had a healthy confidence in my own body.On the statistical side, I'm measuring 38cm at 36 weeks so he's on the big side and he's head down and not engaged but in the right sort of direction for the time, so heading down but not all the way there yet. BP was on the low side of normal which she was happy about.Result! Bbob is happily kicking and wriggling as I type and I'm so relieved to get the midwives blessing and not have to resort to snotty letters.

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