Sunday, September 23, 2007

Stef is Godfather II

Finally we have managed to get together with Stef this Saturday in Cambridge to hang out and to explore the possibility of him becoming Leon's Godparent. So far we have Adam, who is actually a practicing christian and Michelle, who is probably agnostic/atheist (depending on how much they've had to drink) and so is Stef. We aren't planning on getting Leon christened for two reasons, one we aren't regular church goers and two, I don't believe in heaven or hell and if there is a god I don't think religion has anything to do with it anyway. If he wants to be baptised, he can do it as an adult of his own free choice.
It was really nice to see Stef properly for a bit and now he's living down the road somewhere just outside Cambridge it will be much easier to stay in touch.

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1 comment:

Adam said...

That seems a pretty sensible way of approaching it.

Any kind of civilized faith is a matter of choice, and Leon's waaaaaay to young to be making those choices yet. :-)