Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Saturday 1st June 10.20am

Exactly a fortnight to go! It's all coming up fast now. Feeling good in myself, his room is ready and apart from getting the car seat for him into the car, we are pretty much ready. I'm getting lots of braxton hicks and plenty of movement, it could be any time really. Tobe's going to start driving to work so he could meet me in Cambridge, if needed. It's a beautiful day to day, likely to be the best day for the next week weather wise, I did have to remind myself when faced with the thought 'bugger, there's nothing to wash and stick out in the garden to dry' that there is more to life than washing clothes on a fine day. My gosh what parenthood does to you.
With any luck, we are off to Cambridge today, leaving Leon with M&D so we can get Tobe some new shoes among other things.
Leon is mostly lovely apart from the odd scream caused by teething a the moment, poor thing, his molars are coming through quite fast now and even though he's mostly OK with it, you can tell that they hurt on and off. We are getting more words now, even Mummy occasionally.
Earlier this week, Wednesday morning, I finally got to meet my new Community Midwife, I rang her Tuesday to say that as I was as far as I was and hadn't discussed a birth plan with her and that the gap between check ups was more like 3 1/2 weeks instead of 2 I ought to have a house visit which duly happened the following day. Now we have birth plan sorted, I've been checked out, Newbie is lying to the left, head down and un-engaged (the head 'engages' just before birth with the 2nd whereas with the 1st this happens earlier and stays put usually until birth. With subsequent kids the head can pop in and out a lot in the last few weeks before going into Labour) , which is pretty much as good as it gets so all OK. He's the right size and judging by the amount of kicking and wriggling, he's pretty happy for the time being. My blood pressure is bang on and she even said that the bits of cycling I'm doing are also good for getting him into position whereas driving is bad for positioning so all the people commenting on me cycling in 'my condition' like I'm sky diving can go get their facts straight and get their heads out of the modern age. Having said that, I have started accepting lifts from M&D more and more, at this point in the pregnancy, I'm not too proud to get driven around a bit. Yesterday, Dan picked Leon up in the morning, giving me time to do some house work, then an hour's snooze. He came back at midday to pick me up and take me to theirs for lunch. We had a lovely lunch, then I took Leon up the road to the Mum's and now Dad's friday afternoon coffee and kiddie free for all (I did last weeks, this week it was Sarah's turn). We all sat out in the garden. Mike brought Hattie and Janek's Dad whose name now escapes me were there so we had 2 Dads too which was a breakthrough. Mike even made chocolate fairy cakes for the first time in his life (so he claims).

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