Monday, June 23, 2008

Welcome to the world Reuben

Reuben Donald Jones was born this morning, 23rd June 08, at 1.22am, weighing 7lb 8oz.
Mother and baby are well.

Been quite a long 24h...

Last night, during Dr. Who, Christine's occasional Braxton Hicks turned into contractions, 2-4 minutes apart and getting stronger. Of course we finished watching the episode, then asked my parents to pick up Leon and take him to theirs (he complained but went straight back to sleep).

For this birth we'd decided to play it safe, so I drove Christine down to the Rosie in Cambridge. Odd how I could calmly watch Dr. Who without panicking, but as soon as it was my responsibility to get her there safely and on time I got very purposeful and had to make sure to stick to the speed limit!

Got to the Rosie in good time. No birth pool available, but midwife seemed pleasant - she read through birth plan and asked a few questions, which was really good. Oh, and we'd arrived just as the shift changed, so we knew we'd have her throughout the night, which was a relief.

C was having quite strong contractions, and the TENS machine we borrowed from Sarah was again great. However after a while C knew it would be still a few hours before she gave birth so she gave me 15 min break from my husbandly duties (encouragement and support, mostly) to go for a walk and get something to eat (it was gone 11 by now IIRC)

Well it's a long walk from the Rosie to the food court! By the time I'd got there, got some response from the night staff and waited for my microwave meal to arrive, I'd used up by 15min. I was starting to panic - would they ring me if C went into labour?

Scoffed meal (which was good, actually) and hurried back. Then waited another couple of hours :)

The actual birth was very quick, only a couple of pushes! Possibly too quick as C had to have some stitches. No panic, took them an hour or two to organise (C needed some 'platelets' first), but it had to be under general anasthetic, which was a bit nerve wracking, and which left me 'holding the baby' for an hour. I managed to doze in a chair, but was woken often by Reuben who needed his hand guiding to his mouth for a bit of comfort sucking.

Eventually of course, C was brought back to me, and came to. Now just had to wait to be transferred from 'recovery' to the ward. This took ages to arrange. In the end I came home just before she was moved, as it happened, but the point was that I was there while she needed me.

I got home, found C's book that had vanished last night and got 1h sleep before going to M&D's for a bit of lunch. Then we all went visiting.

Leon's reaction was very interesting. Part of the time he ignored Reuben and just pushed his pushchair through the ward, part of the time he seemed to want to keep a good distance, thank you very much... but mum gave him some Night Garden dolls (which he loved) and at one point he put them in Reuben's cot. So what the next few weeks have in store regarding sibling rivalry, we can't guess.

After M&D&L left, I stayed by C's side, more just to be there than anything, but actually I was more useful than before the birth - getting water/food, tidying up, changing Reuben etc. But when I realised I was dropping off in the chair next to her bed, I decided I better drive back while it was still light and came home.

Home being a couple of beers, a pizza, upload photos and write a bit of blog :)

And all the above having been achieved, I'm off for a good sleep! Night all :)


Karohemd said...

Congratulations to everyone involved!

Google-Girl said...

Wonderful news!! Congratulations to you all and we wish you all the best!

Big hugs and kisses,
Chantal, Marcel, Kristi, Jesse & Sarah

Adam said...

Ah, sitting watching Dr Who through the contractions.

Respect is due. :)