Sunday, January 07, 2007

ever wondered what would happen without a wrap?

Well Toby learnt the hard way. During our visit to the grandparents this afternoon, Tob changed Leon, replacing the disposable he had on with a reusable...without a wrap (plastic waterproof cover). We are still waiting for some nappies and don't have quite enough to last until the first lot are dry so we had to use disposables today. Toby misstook the one in the changing bag for an opportunity, forgetting the wrap wasn't there and happily put it on Leon. When we left, I picked him up still in his all in one coat and thought he felt a bit damp. When we got home, I took him out of his coat to feed him, I thought he feels very damp. Food was upmost on his mind so I fed him, then during a conversation with Tob he said he'd used the last nappy in the changing bag and it clicked, by which time I too had a big wet patch on my trousers and a very wet hand that had been supporting his bum. I of course, gave him to Tob to sort out and not only had he peed for britain during the afternoon but poo'd for europe too. and without the wrap it was on everything! Lesson learnt. Posted by Picasa

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