Sunday, January 07, 2007

Goodbye Holland

It was hard work packing. We had soo much stuff - we'd made the mistake of going to Ikea, so we had a blue bag full of stuff, and we'd got a banana box full of Dutch food too. I had to pile the car high to fit it all in :)

The drive to the port was uneventful (although we did have to go back home after 5 minutes on the road because we'd forgotten to print out our booking number, sure they would have looked it up for us... wouldn't they?). The ship's huge when you're queueing on the dock and it comes in and bashes against the supports!
Anyway, all was uneventful until the queue started moving to board. I flicked the starter motor , but I must have released it too soon, 'cos the motor didn't start. And it didn't start on the next try or the next! Eeek! We tried pushing it, but I didn't realise that it should have been in gear - duh... In the end the port guys brought a portable battery, which kick started us and we got on board. No trouble since, so actually I don't think it was the battery - I think it was when I flicked the key that first time I jammed the starter motor. I'm glad we didn't have to push it up the ramp into the boat!

Goodbye Holland!

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