Friday, March 23, 2007

Budget. No, not Gordon's, ours!

Over the last couple of days, I've been panicking about how we'll cope when Christine's income dries up in May. Eventaully I realised it was all to do with the future being unknown. To combat this, and have a plan, I wrote down a 'statement of account', detailing our income and outgoings then Christine and I sat down and pinpointed where we can save. It's going to be tight but:

* My parents are going to give us a contribution, which is great :)
* We can set a tighter food budget, making sure we still eat well (we'll keep the organic veg box), but cutting out the more expensive meals
* We can also reduce our personal allowance (which is for weekday lunches, clothes, mobile phone bill etc)

Also, last night, I got a letter from BT detailing how they're about to start charging people to leave them. That kick-started me into doing some research. Using I found a phone company (Euphony) that offers free calls to UK and Holland for £6pm. We were spending more on this on calls with BT, so that'll reduce our bills somewhat.

We can do it!

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