Monday, March 19, 2007

My first Mothers Day

Well, it was very nice thankyou. Tob brought Leon into our bed with a card and a present, he even put the pen in Leon's hand so he could sign it himself. We had hot cross buns and coffee in bed for breakfast, then I had a nice long bath. Leon joined me briefly, but Tob got him dressed etc.

I constructed Ellen's bouquet - Tob usually sends his mum an enormouse impressive bouquet, but money being tight, it was getting a bit small and boring so I suggested getting lots of nice flowers off the market and some ribbon etc and coming up with our own. I did a good job, Ellen liked it, it was good fun being let loose with some ribbon etc.

Tob cooked a Lamb roast - his first ever, he was a bit nervous (to put it mildly) but it all turned out perfectly. I did 2 deserts - a wheat free bread and butter pud and a normal bread and butter pud.

Leon fell asleep in his pram in the hall and Tob and Ellen fell asleep on the sofa while Dan and I nattered about life the universe and everything (well, King Charles the II and children's stories anyway) I took this nice picture of Tob and Ellen .

I took the picture of Leon sleeping thismorning. He had a nice long sleep; long enough for me to put some washing away, get dressed, do the sterilising and change his bedding anyway.

1 comment:

Karohemd said...

Heh, I like how everyone looks so unimpressed in the first one and how Leon still looks grumpy even when asleep. :o)
- Ozzy